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Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 09-05-2024 05:59
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, We tare trying to activate an internal portal in Evolve in order a have a more friendly user ui. We tried to set it up as described in the documentation, which in my opinion is not clear enough, in Evolve and also in iis, but we are not able to enable it. Do somebody already activated it and ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 04-19-2024 06:22
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, We would like to assign already existing tasks to a first user to an additional user is this possible? Thanks a lort for your help. Regards ------------------------------ Skander HASSAYOUNE Data Gouvernance Engineer Hager Electro SAS OBERNAI ------------------------------
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 03-13-2024 14:09
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, After a hard search I found that I there is a setting in Evolve in the App preferences that activiates or deactivates the padding for queries: It's solved now! Regards, ------------------------------ Skander HASSAYOUNE Data Operational Excellence Manager Hager Electro SAS OBERNAI ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 03-13-2024 08:45
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, I'm trying to create a query in Automate Studio and the option for padding the criteria field is disables. I would like to select "no padding" but I can't and the condition is not working. Does some one know where the issue could come from? Thanks! ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 12-04-2023 06:04
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, I hava a webservice running at the change of a column in a repeating table to check if the selected material already exists in SAP. It's based on BAPI_Existence_Check. It works well when I add items to the repeating table, but when I make a data upload by excel, the rows are uploaded than ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 08-03-2023 11:25
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, All is exactly as you are describing. I will follow your adivce: I will make another test and raise a ticket with the error I will got. Many thanks for your help! Regards, ------------------------------ Skander HASSAYOUNE Hager Electro SAS OBERNAI ------------------------------
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 08-03-2023 11:08
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, Thanks for the quick reply! Ok I did this for other fields in fact. I thought that for the Originator user there is a standard solution field as for the process name (i.e [$Process.Name]). I will proceed with this method to add the Originator name in the email template. Thanks a lot for your ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 08-03-2023 10:57
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, Yes that's exactly what I'm expecting as behaviour as in fact Evolve manages the versions. But it doesn't seem to work. When I try this I got an error message when I open a task from an ongoing process saying that a new version of the form is deployed and it cannot continue. So I don't know ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 08-03-2023 10:39
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi Sigrid, Thanks for your answer. I think you missunderstood me. Of course a launched process in a version X of a workflow has to finish with this version X, this is obvious. And cancelling should be a bad idea too if we already started to create data in SAP. My question was to know if: ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 08-03-2023 09:54
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hello, I'm creating an email template to notify external users from Evolve and I would like to indicate in it the name of the user that created the process. The problem is that I don't know how to call the complete name of the user that created the process (like I'm doing for the process name). Could ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 07-21-2023 09:54
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, I saw this option on version in the app configuration: But I didn't find in the documentation if it switches on and off the versioning of the templates. Do you have more info on it. Thanks, ------------------------------ Skander HASSAYOUNE Hager Electro SAS OBERNAI ---------------- ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 07-21-2023 05:51
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Hi Hammad, Thanks for your anwer. In fact this way of working doesn't allow even light changes, like for instance a mistake in a field label. If I turn off the versioning option for the solutions, will the already launched workflows continue to work? Of course I'm talking about light changes, not ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 07-21-2023 03:14
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, We are developing forms with workflows which will go in production soon. Until now in development when the users ask for an improvement, we implement it, we cancel all ongoing workflows and we deploy the new form. The lead time of these forms/workflows can be very long, around 30 days. In run ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 10-11-2022 04:40
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, I'd like to copy some data from a specific row of a repeating table, with which the user interact, to another repeating table, which is hidden and used for background checking, in oder to calculate additional columns. I tried with the action rule "Copy like rows" but didn't get the expected ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 10-11-2022 04:10
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, I'm using a Solution Data Table to store data which are created by one process and shared with other ones to prefill some data. I would like to be able to see or allow users to see data as we can do it for the reference data tables. Did someone have a clue how to do it? Thanks! -- ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 09-23-2022 06:58
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, Thanks, that's helped me a lot for this first development. The links for "Update Solution Data Library plug-in" and "Export Repeating Group plug-in" in the online help for Evolve 20.2 are not accessible and I got a error 404... So I relied on the Evolve 20.1 online help page. I succeeded ...
Posted By Skander HASSAYOUNE 09-21-2022 05:30
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hi, I'm working on Evolve to design forms and I'm looking to create a template that will recall part of data from a document created by another template. I'll try to be clearer: 1- A user will create data for a list of Materials with a template A under a request ID xxx. 2- A second user will ...