Hi Skander
It really depends on the situation you are trying to address.
For example, you can use a Workflow Participant control and based on whatever logic you have can add a user to the "team"
I had another scenario where I could select a number of materials to update, and I came up with a list of MRP controllers who had to approve some changes. I had a variable that had a list of them separated by a semi colon, and if you added a name to that list variable, it would add that person to the "team"
In both cases the swimlane had team from role as the participate resolver.
There is also a workflow plugin to Manage Swimlane
it looks like you can add or remove users, and you can use conditional routing. I have not used it, but hopefully the user can be a variable. The doc is here: https://help.precisely.com/r/Automate-Evolve/Latest/en-US/Automate-Evolve-User-Guide/References/Manage-Swim-Lanes-Plug-in?section=plugins-manage-swim-lanes
If you're an admin, you can manually reassign, but not add a person, to a task:
This can be done for a specific task or for all tasks.
Hope this gives you some ideas!
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-19-2024 06:21
From: Skander HASSAYOUNE
Subject: Assign a task to an additional user in Evolve
We would like to assign already existing tasks to a first user to an additional user is this possible?
Thanks a lort for your help.
Data Gouvernance Engineer
Hager Electro SAS