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William Wemple


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Posted By William Wemple 11-21-2022 08:19
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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It's a legitimate download from the Precisely website.  MILSTED is a really old tool.  It was created by one of our former partners in Ukraine many years ago. The source code is no longer available, as the company no longer exists, so it can't be updated and would need to be completely rebuilt from scratch.  ...
Posted By William Wemple 11-17-2022 08:30
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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The status bar settings are window dependent - meaning its different for each of the document windows.  Right now, this setting as a Map preference is not available, only just as a Map Option when map is in focus.  When the Map Option is changed, the command: 'Set Map Display Position' is issued.  This ...
Posted By William Wemple 11-04-2022 10:48
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Have a look at the LineSnap sample tool installed with MapBasic download: \Samples\MAPBASIC\LINESNAP Tool is used to extend or trim a line or polyline object to its point of intersection with another line or polyline. See if that meets your needs. -Bill ------------------------------ Bill Wemple ...
Posted By William Wemple 09-14-2022 10:52
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Found a custom function you could try out in MapBasic.  Have not tried it myself in an application, but it came from a shared library on github. ' Creates a square buffer around an object ' Parameters: ' oInput: input object ' fDist: distance to buffer ' Returns: ' object buffered by a square ...
Posted By William Wemple 08-18-2022 08:54
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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MapBasic 21.0 download has source code for a tool provided under: \Samples\MAPBASIC\RasterSeam Tool should be included with next release, but you can use it now by compiling and linking the project file for an earlier x64 version if needed. Basically it will ask you to point to a folder of your *.tif ...
Posted By William Wemple 07-27-2022 10:20
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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The MapBasic XML functions and subs are simply wrappers to call the Micorsoft XML methods documented here: XML DOM Objects-Interfaces | Microsoft Docs YahooTrafficInfo sample code has not been updated in many years, it's just provided as sample code, but Yahoo has changed their site dramatically since ...
Posted By William Wemple 07-27-2022 10:19
Found In Library: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
Posted By William Wemple 06-30-2022 10:10
Found In Library: Mapinfo Pro
Posted By William Wemple 06-30-2022 10:10
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Just updated SyncWindows for handling for handling of embedded legends in Current Map Windows.  These are only session changes done by the SyncWindows tool.  If you want them permanently removed you need to Save Workspace\SaveWokspace As... as stated earlier. Give it another try if you will. Regards, ...
Posted By William Wemple 06-30-2022 09:42
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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I did not change behavior for removing legend from Current Window. it was still same as before. I can use same logic for removing embedded legends from all windows. As for a new session of MIPro this would only change if user saves a workspace. SyncWindows tool only changes these during the session. ...
Posted By William Wemple 06-29-2022 10:53
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Perhaps something like this: Include "MapBasic.def" Include "Icons.def" Declare sub main Declare Sub create_ButtonFromVendor Declare Sub vendor_ButtonAction Dim Vendors() as string Sub Main Onerror goto ErrorTrap Call create_ButtonFromVendor exit sub ErrorTrap: Note "Main: " & Err() & ":" & Error$() ...
Posted By William Wemple 06-28-2022 08:33
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi SussL: Have you taken a look at the Python Quick Start available from the MapInfo Marketplace? It has several examples of how to work with tables, queries, etc., using Python. Launch the MapInfo Marketplace tool within MIPro and install the Python Quick Start from the Marketplace window. Hope this ...
Posted By William Wemple 06-27-2022 09:08
Found In Library: Mapinfo Pro
Posted By William Wemple 06-27-2022 09:08
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Try this out and let me know.  Needed to restore some old code to check for embedded theme legend windows that was omitted when tool was updated for new UX only.  For several versions MIPro x64 did not support embedded theme legend windows until v2019.  This fix for SyncWindows should do the trick.  ...
Posted By William Wemple 06-10-2022 09:06
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Is there any information with the GridRefMapper tool on its creator?  A help file or link?  Probably needs to have some code changes to make it work in x64, perhaps there is a hard-coded path in this tool that no longer exists. Perhaps if the creator could be contacted they may be able to make the changes ...
Posted By William Wemple 06-09-2022 16:15
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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The tool is basically doing a Set Map Move Nodes 1 or 0 depending on what you choose in the toggle button on Ribbon\Buttonpad. This setting is then being written into WOR file. ------------------------------ Bill Wemple Principal Software Engineer, Quality Management Precisely, Inc ...
Posted By William Wemple 06-08-2022 09:00
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Jim.  I am able to toggle between those map preference options.  Not sure why you are not able to other than having a corrupted MapInfoPro.pref on your Roaming Appdata folder for MIPro 2100 perhaps. I am not familiar with this ToggleMoveDupNodes tool.  Is this something you created, or do you have ...
Posted By William Wemple 05-24-2022 08:32
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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They are two different issues.  The Tool icon in ribbon for Universal Transalator makes a simple call in MUT.MBX to 'Run Program fmequicktranslator.exe'. This is the same as if you went to that folder and double-clicked on the *.exe to run it. Is the *.exe being blocked by some security software ...
Posted By William Wemple 05-24-2022 08:21
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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KML is a very inefficient format for large files, numerous objects, etc.  It's really meant for quick displays in Google Earth.  If it truly has to be in KML format, then you'll need to start combining objects (Combine by Column) and aggregating data so you're basically dissolving smaller objects with ...
Posted By William Wemple 05-19-2022 11:00
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Open a table like States, create a layout and add a map frame to it. Run this in MapBasic Window ** assumes Layout is FrontWindow, and only 1 frame in Layout (the map frame), else pass the frame number if different frame. Would need to loop through Layout frames and see which one is map frame type ...