MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Square ended buffer of line?

    Posted 09-12-2022 19:34
    Hello all,

    I would like to buffer polylines with a square ended buffer.
    Instead of the normal semi-circle end, I would like a square end that is flat against the end of the polyline.
    Is there a way to do this? Either in MapInfo or in MapBasic?

    Nick Lawrence
    TMR-Policy and Planning
    Brisbane QLD

  • 2.  RE: Square ended buffer of line?

    Posted 09-12-2022 19:57
    Hi Nick,

    Try Create Parallel from the Buffer drop-down in the Spatial menu.  It seems to do the trick.  You can create parallel lines on either side of your existing lines, close them off and even create them as regions.

    James Nolet
    Dooley Mitchell & Morrison Pty Ltd
    Mentone, VIC, Australia

  • 3.  RE: Square ended buffer of line?

    Posted 09-12-2022 20:20
    Thanks James, that is exactly the result I want.
    Is there a corresponding mapbasic command?
    I suspect that this function is a part of MapCAD. Is there a way for MapBasic to access MapCAD functions?

    Nick Lawrence
    TMR-Policy and Planning
    Brisbane QLD

  • 4.  RE: Square ended buffer of line?
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-13-2022 03:25
    Hi Nick,

    Yes, Create Parallel comes with the MapCAD tool.  I forgot about that, as I always have it loaded and end up taking its functionality for granted.

    Checking MapBasic Help I can see that you can call the MapCAD functions.  For example, if you select a single line and execute the following you will convert the selected line to a buffer region:

    Dim oPolyline as Object
    oPolyline = Selection.obj
    Update Selection Set obj = Exec("MapCAD.mbx","CreateParallel", oPolyline, 0.2, 3, "T", "T")

    (where 0.2 is the buffer distance, "3" means create parallel lines on either side, and the "T"s mean close the lines and form a region).

    So using a loop you could create a buffer for each line in your table one record at a time.  You will need MapCAD to be running of course.

    James Nolet
    Dooley Mitchell & Morrison Pty Ltd
    Mentone, VIC, Australia

  • 5.  RE: Square ended buffer of line?

    Posted 09-13-2022 18:56
    Thank you James

    Nick Lawrence
    TMR-Policy and Planning
    Brisbane QLD

  • 6.  RE: Square ended buffer of line?

    Posted 09-14-2022 10:52
    Found a custom function you could try out in MapBasic.  Have not tried it myself in an application, but it came from a shared library on github.

    ' Creates a square buffer around an object
    ' Parameters:
    ' oInput: input object
    ' fDist: distance to buffer
    ' Returns:
    ' object buffered by a square buffer (approximate only)
    Declare Function SquareBuffer(ByVal oInput as Object, ByVal fDist as Float) as Object

    Function SquareBuffer( ByVal oInput As Object, ByVal fDist As Float ) As Object
    Dim fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2, fXRange, fYRange, fAngle, fDeltaX, fDeltaY As Float
    Dim iQuadrant As Integer
    Dim fBuffer(8) As Float
    Dim oTemp As Object

    ' Get line start and end points
    fX1 = ObjectGeography( oInput, OBJ_GEO_LINEBEGX )
    fY1 = ObjectGeography( oInput, OBJ_GEO_LINEBEGY )
    fX2 = ObjectGeography( oInput, OBJ_GEO_LINEENDX )
    fY2 = ObjectGeography( oInput, OBJ_GEO_LINEENDY )

    ' Calculate range
    fXRange = Abs( fX1 - fX2 )
    fYRange = Abs( fY1 - fY2 )

    ' Calculate angle of line
    If ( fYRange = 0 ) Then
    fAngle = 90
    fAngle = Atn( fXRange / fYRange ) * RAD_2_DEG
    End If

    fDeltaX = Cos( fAngle * DEG_2_RAD ) * fDist
    fDeltaY = Sin( fAngle * DEG_2_RAD ) * fDist

    ' Determine quadrant
    If ( fX2 - fX1 ) > 0 Then
    If ( fY2 - fY1 ) > 0 Then
    iQuadrant = 1
    iQuadrant = 2
    End If
    ElseIf ( fY1 - fY2 ) > 0 Then
    iQuadrant = 3
    iQuadrant = 4
    End If

    ' Calculate buffer extents based on quadrant
    Do Case iQuadrant
    Case 1
    fBuffer(1) = fX1 - fDeltaX
    fBuffer(2) = fY1 + fDeltaY
    fBuffer(3) = fX1 + fDeltaX
    fBuffer(4) = fY1 - fDeltaY
    fBuffer(5) = fX2 + fDeltaX
    fBuffer(6) = fY2 - fDeltaY
    fBuffer(7) = fX2 - fDeltaX
    fBuffer(8) = fY2 + fDeltaY
    Case 2
    fBuffer(1) = fX1 + fDeltaX
    fBuffer(2) = fY1 + fDeltaY
    fBuffer(3) = fX1 - fDeltaX
    fBuffer(4) = fY1 - fDeltaY
    fBuffer(5) = fX2 - fDeltaX
    fBuffer(6) = fY2 - fDeltaY
    fBuffer(7) = fX2 + fDeltaX
    fBuffer(8) = fY2 + fDeltaY
    Case 3
    fBuffer(1) = fX1 + fDeltaX
    fBuffer(2) = fY1 - fDeltaY
    fBuffer(3) = fX1 - fDeltaX
    fBuffer(4) = fY1 + fDeltaY
    fBuffer(5) = fX2 - fDeltaX
    fBuffer(6) = fY2 + fDeltaY
    fBuffer(7) = fX2 + fDeltaX
    fBuffer(8) = fY2 - fDeltaY
    Case 4
    fBuffer(1) = fX1 - fDeltaX
    fBuffer(2) = fY1 - fDeltaY
    fBuffer(3) = fX1 + fDeltaX
    fBuffer(4) = fY1 + fDeltaY
    fBuffer(5) = fX2 + fDeltaX
    fBuffer(6) = fY2 + fDeltaY
    fBuffer(7) = fX2 - fDeltaX
    fBuffer(8) = fY2 - fDeltaY
    End Case

    ' Make a new region object matching the extents
    Create Region Into Variable oTemp 1
    5 ( fBuffer(1), fBuffer(2))( fBuffer(3), fBuffer(4))( fBuffer(5), fBuffer(6))( fBuffer(7), fBuffer(8))( fBuffer(1), fBuffer(2))

    SquareBuffer = oTemp

    End Function


    Bill Wemple
    Principal Software Engineer, Quality Management
    Precisely, Inc