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Sam Roberts

MapInfo Pro 17 Beta
Summer '18 Map Entry

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Posted By Sam Roberts 11-06-2024 17:19
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Hi Hugo, Sorry, but I am not able to help you any further because this is a job for the engineering team and you need to raise it with them. You could create a TAB file that points to the URL like this (real example) - !table !version 300 !charset WindowsLatin1 Definition Table File "/vsic ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 11-05-2024 19:27
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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You can open, display, and process a Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF (COG) raster that is stored on a local or network drive. However, if the COG file is stored "in the cloud" on some network file system like AWS S3 or Google Cloud then I do not think you will be able to load it in MapInfo Pro. Firstly, ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 07-10-2024 19:32
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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For the record, you can do this with ProRaster Essential (or any other variant of ProRaster). You create a "raster source" which contains all of your 30 grids. This can then be displayed using the VCP you require, or any other method. You would then publish this rendering algorithm to MapInfo and it ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 06-17-2024 21:16
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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The Raster Calculator only operates on a single cell at a time and is not able to be used to perform this operation. The Focal Filters operate on a window that you can customise, but are not flexible enough to be used for this purpose. I have implemented a "Declutter" processing operation in ProRaster ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 11-21-2023 16:08
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Peter, Another technique with shadow I have always found useful is to use it to highlight the edge of raster cells. To do this you need to use nearest neighbor interpolation so that there is only a shadow on the edge of cells where there is an abrupt change in data value. It helps you to see the ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 08-11-2023 00:29
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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In 2019 and 2020 I wrote two articles in this forum that described experimental work I was doing to pre-process Landsat and Sentinel2 multispectral imagery using virtual raster technology and then to display that imagery in MapInfo Pro using rendering algorithms. After leaving Precisely in 2020, I ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 05-09-2023 01:42
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VM grid files store data as an integer which can either be 16-bit or 32-bit. There are scale & offset values that transform your floating point data to integer for storage, and convert the integer back to floating point when you load it. Pro always writes using 32-bit integers and this is not compatible ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 04-21-2023 16:16
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Hi Duri, I don't believe you can specify which band is the alpha band in the GHX file. If you have four (or more?) bands that are not named Red Green Blue Opacity then the ECW driver will not assume it has RGBA data. If you have four bands it will create two fields - the first is an Image field using ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 12-04-2022 19:15
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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If you can drag yourself away from your Netflix Christmas Rom-Com Movie Marathon, here is an alternative video to provide some Christmas infotainment! I explore a high-resolution bathymetry raster, developed by the BOEM by stitching 3D seismic survey data together in the Gulf of Mexico. We have been ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 11-08-2022 17:31
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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One other option, and I am not suggesting it is a good one for a second, is to use the raster calculator operation. I tested it on a small classified raster in MRR format and it worked. If your raster is in Vertical Mapper GRC or GeoTIFF format that is an additional unknown. You can use an expression ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 11-02-2022 04:59
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Hi Matt, The only VRT files I have to test are some TIFF images that are geolocated and warped using a VRT. They work in MapInfo Pro v21. You ought to check your MapInfo Pro Raster Preferences in the backstage area and make sure that the GDAL VRT format is enabled for processing and display. ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 10-28-2022 15:57
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The key difference is that when you open a raster in v21 it keeps the file open and uses a Windows file handle. Each process only gets about 2000 file handles so if you try to open more than 2000 rasters you run out of handles. When this happens, the engine will probably crash. Also, each raster tile ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 07-11-2022 21:41
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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I have been trying to come to grips with Landsat scene pre-processing. Landsat science is a constantly moving target - a spice with many tastes - a dizzying array of textures...and moments... Anyway, it is confusing and takes effort to keep abreast of. Maybe this video will help. If you want to display ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 07-10-2022 22:56
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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I am pleased to announce that you can now purchase ProRaster, my new raster rendering software for MapInfo Pro, from the Microsoft Store! It currently ships in two tiers - Essential and Premium. Get started by downloading the free evaluation version - search for "ProRaster Essential Free" on the Microsoft ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 05-25-2022 19:53
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Jay, You can use the raster plugin in the latest version of MapInfo Pro to create some kinds of MVR virtual rasters. However, this only covers some of the ground and there are other kinds of MVR that are undocumented. I know how to write them because I wrote the code originally. At this time, as ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 05-25-2022 19:52
Found In Library: Mapinfo Pro
Posted By Sam Roberts 05-24-2022 23:58
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The European Space Agency released a new raster dataset last year called WorldCover. It is a 10-meter resolution global land cover classified raster derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite multispectral data. I downloaded the dataset from AWS S3 and took a look at it in MapInfo Pro and ProRaster. ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 03-27-2022 22:42
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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I have prepared a series of four videos and articles that explain modern raster technology. My motivation is to shed some light on the raster engine that sits inside MapInfo Pro, which I helped design and build. These are not "How to..." videos - they are "What's under the hood" videos. In a sense, ...
Posted By Sam Roberts 03-03-2022 19:04
Found In Library: Mapinfo Pro
Posted By Sam Roberts 03-03-2022 19:04
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A little update to this: I downloaded a portion of the dataset, but when you download the entire dataset it behaves differently. To use the same MVR trick on the full dataset you need to add some driver preference directives to force the TIFF driver in MapInfo to load the raster a certain way. The ...