MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  Exploring the ESA World Cover Land Use Raster

    Posted 05-24-2022 23:58
    The European Space Agency released a new raster dataset last year called WorldCover. It is a 10-meter resolution global land cover classified raster derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite multispectral data.

    I downloaded the dataset from AWS S3 and took a look at it in MapInfo Pro and ProRaster. Check out the video on YouTube, this is a huge raster! Towards the end of the video, I provide some tips on how to use virtual rasters to do localized statistical analysis of this land-use data to provide square kilometer land use data statistics for local government areas.  

    Sam Roberts
    Founder, Roberts Geospatial Engineering

  • 2.  RE: Exploring the ESA World Cover Land Use Raster

    Posted 05-25-2022 10:02
    Great video Sam.  Can you explain a bit more about how you created the virtual raster?

    Jay Russell
    Houston TX

  • 3.  RE: Exploring the ESA World Cover Land Use Raster

    Posted 05-25-2022 19:53
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    Hi Jay,

    You can use the raster plugin in the latest version of MapInfo Pro to create some kinds of MVR virtual rasters. However, this only covers some of the ground and there are other kinds of MVR that are undocumented. I know how to write them because I wrote the code originally. At this time, as far as I know, the MVR format is undocumented.

    I have attached an example MVR which will work with these WorldCover TIFF files. It executes a "Classify" operation on the fly. An MVR is just XML so you can edit it in any text editor.

    You can take this example and use it to display any subset of the WorldCover tiff files that you like. In the XML you will find several lines like this - 


    This tells the MVR to load this TIFF file. I load 12 in the example. You can add & remove these lines as you see fit and link to one or more of the source files (up to about 2000 maximum). Note that the file path is relative in this case - I have all my tiff files in a subordinate folder called Source. You can also use a file name like "/Source/*.tif" to pick up all the matching files in a folder.

    Elsewhere in this file, you will see the TableData section which stores all the classification table data (copied from the WorldCover manual), and the ClassificationMap section which maps from the data values in the TIFF files (10,20,30...etc.) to the class indices in the MRR file (0,1,2,3...etc.)

    You can load this MVR as a raster into the latest version of MapInfo. If you try to create a legend, it fails. I guess that is a bug. You can run a "Convert" operation in the raster plugin to convert the MVR to an MRR if you wish. The legend works for the MRR.

    Sam Roberts
    Founder, Roberts Geospatial Engineering
