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Adrian Williams


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Posted By Adrian Williams 08-15-2024 10:56
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Typing "analyzeCli" (without the quotes) will display help information on standard commands. Typing "analyzeCli help advanced" will display help information on more niche commands. You can also type "analyzeCli --help" to list command-specific options for a particular command. The 'buildIndexes' ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 08-01-2024 08:45
Found In Egroup: LAE
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The Lavastorm Analytic Engine (LAE 6.1) product reached it's end of support life date at the end of March 2021. No support is provided for this product. Precisely strongly recommend that you consider migrating to the Data360 Analyze product which provides similar functionality but uses a modern architecture ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 07-25-2024 04:51
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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There are currently no product nodes that generate Parquet format files. However, the Azure Datalake Storage Put node can can be used to upload files to ADLS Gen.2 ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 07-24-2024 10:17
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hi Mehmet, The Free version of the Data360 Analyze Desktop product is intended to allow prospective customers to investigate the capabilities of the application in their own timeframe. The Free version provides access to the core functionality of the product but does however come with some restrictions ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 07-24-2024 08:53
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Here is a zip file containing the example data flow for use with an Analyze v.3.12 system: ------------------------------ Adrian Williams Precisely Software Inc. ------------------------------
Posted By Adrian Williams 07-24-2024 08:52
Found In Library: Data360 Analyze
Posted By Adrian Williams 07-24-2024 06:25
Found In Library: Data360 Analyze
Posted By Adrian Williams 07-24-2024 06:25
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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One approach would be to sort the working days data by employee (employee ID) and date. You can then process each employee's data as a group in the transform node using the node's 'GroupBy' property to indicate which field defines the group a record is associated with. You can then for each employee ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 07-10-2024 08:19
Found In Egroup: LAE
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Hi Daniel, The Transform Node's ConfigureFields script would include the following code where Field_to_Exclude is the name of the field to be excluded: #Configure all fields from input 'in1' to be mapped #to the corresponding fields on the output 'out1' out1 += in1 if "((^Field_to_Exclude^))" ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 06-25-2024 05:39
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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In Data360 Analyze a field that has a data type of double does not permit the use of the thousands separator character e.g. "," in the value so I assume the value being output is actually a unicode/string value. The Output CSV/Delimited node will automatically include the quote characters around a ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 06-18-2024 06:55
Found In Library: Data360 Analyze
Posted By Adrian Williams 06-18-2024 06:55
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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You can use the following code in a Transform node to add further records to the existing data set. In this case the calculated values are being output in different fields so you can see what is being generated. The values for the new records increment the last received datetime (string) value by one ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 05-31-2024 11:16
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hi Geoff, I have reproduced the issue you reported. The node should permit you to enter the field definitions on separate lines (as noted in the node help). I believe this is a bug and have forwarded the information to the Engineering team for review. For now I would suggest you continue to use the ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 05-30-2024 04:19
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hi Edward, The Transform node does support group positional identifiers (node.firstInGroup and node.lastInGroup). These are discussed in the Help documentation, see the following topic: Data360 Analyze Server Help > Python scripting > API and script bindings Specifically, the section on the node ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 05-30-2024 03:25
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Ah, my apologies, there was an element missing in the original logic that I have also corrected in my original message above. The new statement updates the logic to hash the values of the fields and now produces the same results as your code. strRow = "".join(str(in1[strCol]) for strCol in in1) ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 05-29-2024 11:49
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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The Calculate Fields node is not really suitable for this type of treatment as there are multiple steps, each of which need the output of the previous step to create the final result. The Transform node is more appropriate and provides a more transparent view of the processing being performed on the ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 05-29-2024 09:46
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Assuming the reference field in the input data has a data type of datetime, you can use the following script in a Transform node to filter the required records. Note, change the input field reference in the ProcessRecords Script (fields.test_Datetime in the example) #### Start of ConfigureFields ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 05-12-2024 02:23
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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You can do this in a Transform node with some Python scripting. The ConfigureFields script is executed once when the node is run and this happens before the first record is read/processed. The metadata and initial value of the counter variable used for the index (Rec_ID) is defined in the ConfigureFields ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 05-09-2024 10:24
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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The value for the AccountName property is the Azure 'Storage Account Name' The value for the AccountKey property is the Azure 'Storage Account Key' ...
Posted By Adrian Williams 05-09-2024 08:59
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Product enhancements need to be submitted to the Precisely Product Management team by creating a new idea on the Precisely Ideas Portal. This will enable the Product Management team to review the enhancement and, if it has potential, the idea can be voted on by other customers to enable the team to better ...