Data360 Analyze

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1 to 50 of 862 threads (2.9K total posts)
  Thread Subject Replies Last Post Status
Parquet Input/Output
3 yesterday by Adrian Williams
Original post by Mario Ermacora
License is limited to 6 CPU cores
2 2 days ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Mehmet Şerif Gülsün
Consecutive Days Worked
2 2 days ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Sarita Gerbig
Output csv Format Issue = Amounts
1 one month ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by andrew darnell
Incomplete Time Series
1 one month ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Henrik B
New Fixed Format node does not work correctly
4 one month ago by Geoff Goldsmith
Data3Sixty Data Flow time to complete
2 one month ago by Mike Spalding
Row Hash optimization, Data comparison/validation test
4 one month ago by Henrik B
BrainScript "firstInGroup" equivilent in py/transform node
1 one month ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Edward Bodie
Filter Results for Last 7 Days
2 one month ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Nathan Schofield
How can I Add a numbered Index column to my data?
2 2 months ago by Joshua Wall
Dbt support
2 2 months ago by Peter Sykes
Original post by Sébastien Godet
Authentification method for Azure blob nodes
1 2 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Sébastien Godet
Combine Multiple Columns into 1
1 2 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by andrew darnell
How to import pdf documents
4 2 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by andrew darnell
Data Flows that are "Locked for Editing"
6 3 months ago by Stony Smith
Original post by Gerry Mullin
Search for a Future Date using wildcards
2 3 months ago by Mike Spalding
concatenating N amount of columns and values comma separated
2 3 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Henrik B
Create a Temporary List or Set in Transform Node
2 3 months ago by Ernest Jones
Original post by Daniel Pisani
Using analyzeCli to migrate custom libraries
2 3 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Gerard Cafaro
Batch insert query optimization
2 3 months ago by Gerry Mullin
Original post by Henrik B
Full PDF Documentation
1 4 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Alex Day
Paging on HTTP node
1 4 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Gerry Mullin
Input based Drop-Down Property for Transform Node
1 4 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Markku Rantala
The 2024 Data Integrity Trends and Insights Report is back– an Apple Watch for your thoughts?
0 4 months ago by Sydney D'Souza
S3 Put with KMS keys
2 4 months ago by Gerry Mullin
Someone can help-me with the sqlQuery(from field)?
3 4 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Andhrey Barbosa
Calculate Fields Node
2 5 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Henrik B
Check if property is empty?
2 5 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Geoff Goldsmith
Find special character and replace it and everything after it
5 5 months ago by Mike Spalding
Check field type and Convert to int dynamically in a transform node?
2 5 months ago by Geoff Goldsmith
Field name with spaces
2 5 months ago by Henrik B
Original post by Mike Spalding
Excel Node - Import Help!!
3 5 months ago by andrew darnell
Synchronization of flows within Execute Data Flow Node
2 5 months ago by Irakli Chitishvili
Data3sixty Version Upgrade from 3.6.X to 3.12.X
1 6 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Veera Vasantha
Using Run State data in Data Flows
1 6 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Markku Rantala
How to Sum 3 column value but can contain NULL
3 6 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by andrew darnell
Cosmos DB as source
6 6 months ago by Marco de Jong
Original post by Jonas Sinnaeve
Strip characters from long string
2 6 months ago by Mike Spalding
List of node type and node names in any given dataflow
2 7 months ago by Sarita Gerbig
D360 Log Files - Find SQL on server
7 7 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Toby Harkin
Statistical and Predictive Analytics
1 7 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Ryan Piscitelli
Data3sixty Version Upgrade from 3.6.X to 3.12.X ?
4 7 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Veera Vasantha
D360 Analyse - Load JSON Lines file using JSON Node
2 8 months ago by Scott PERRY
S3 Bucket - specify the end point url host name
0 8 months ago by Scott PERRY
Proper Syntax to call Oracle Stored Procedure using DB Execute
2 9 months ago by clef andrin
Execute Stored Procedure oddity
4 9 months ago by Steve Michalecki
Original post by Geoff Goldsmith
Unable to map SAP type: e. Error message
4 9 months ago by Joshua Wall
Server Performance Report
2 9 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Toby Harkin
Date to date delta count for time series
2 9 months ago by Adrian Williams
Original post by Henrik B