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Stony Smith


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Posted By Stony Smith 04-26-2024 10:44
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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My apologies, I did that part with an API call ... I could share is the whole dataflow. Simply put, you need to do a PUT operation to http://servername:8080/api/v3/objects/query?container=object:!tenant:defaultTenant&fields=object,metadata,calculatedMetadata&ltk= The LTK can be obtained from the AnalyzeCli ...
Posted By Stony Smith 04-16-2024 11:32
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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The AnalyzeCli tool can be used to retrieve a list of all Locked Dataflows, and then individual users could be notified to unlock their objects. ------------------------------ Stony Smith Precisely Software Inc. PEARL RIVER NY ------------------------------
Posted By Stony Smith 01-30-2020 11:40
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Did you restart Analyze after making the changes to the path?
Posted By Stony Smith 01-03-2020 12:44
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Yes.. the (Superseded) node(s) use BrainScirpt. If you use the new Join.. you'd use the dropdowns to select and/or rename the fields going to the output.
Posted By Stony Smith 01-03-2020 11:57
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Let's assume that you connected the Customers to pin1 and the Suppliers to pin2 LeftInputKey = Country RightInputKey = Country emit 1:FirstName, 1:LastName emit 1:Country AS CustomerCountry emit 2:Country AS SupplierCountry emit 2:CompanyName
Posted By Stony Smith 03-13-2019 07:10
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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How big is the number you are trying to store? How is the field defined within the SQLServer database?
Posted By Stony Smith 02-28-2019 18:33
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Use the JDBC Store node.
Posted By Stony Smith 02-27-2019 20:13
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Use the CAT node with the UNION option.. you'll get the two recordsets end-to-end with the common columns populated, and NULL in the non-common columns (or use the INTERSECTION option if you want to actually drop the non-common columns)
Posted By Stony Smith 02-21-2019 12:29
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Use either OutputDelimited or OutputRaw. OutputDelimited has the option to not write headers, but it might give you some grief over double/single quotes. OutputRaw just writes the data.
Posted By Stony Smith 01-14-2019 09:13
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Many nodes, JSON, XML, HTTP have the "Pass Thru Fields" parameter that provides this very feature.
Posted By Stony Smith 01-10-2019 08:03
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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It is likely that you could work with the headers the way you have been trying to, but it's easier to use the built in feature(s) for working with Cookies. In the first HTTP node, you won't have cookies coming in, so you can leave the "Cookies" field blank. You will then pick "Response" for the ...
Posted By Stony Smith 08-08-2018 06:22
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Just to be careful, what do you mean by "Add a month"? January 31 + 30 days => March 2nd August 31 + "1 month" will throw an error because it tries to create Sept 31. The code mentioned above works for DayOfMonth < 29, but has troubles for days 29,30,31
Posted By Stony Smith 05-11-2018 07:11
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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You simply use an IF statement to control the output: Make sure that you nest ALL output references under that IF statement. if myCondition: out1 += in1 out1['myField'] = somevalue
Posted By Stony Smith 09-04-2017 13:48
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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My suggestion is to do what I refer to as a "reverse lookup". Add another lookup in front of the one you have.. switch the inputs on it. put the 1.7m records on top and the 5 records on the bottom. The code will be simply: emit 1:* where matchIsFound This way, only the records that ...
Posted By Stony Smith 08-02-2017 09:41
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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At this time, neither LAE nor Dataverse support using expressions to create file names. My common solution for this is to write out the file with some name like MyExcel_Temp.xlsx and then use moveFile(oldname,newname) in a filter node to rename the file. [code] oldname="MyExcel_Temp.xlsx" ...
Posted By Stony Smith 05-25-2017 07:01
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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XBRL is rooted in XML. I would start by trying to parse it with the XMLdata node.
Posted By Stony Smith 05-12-2017 08:48
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This will work: c=long("0"+MyField.trim()) override emit c as MyField
Posted By Stony Smith 05-02-2017 09:29
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It's not "pick your own size", but put the cursor in the box and hit F11
Posted By Stony Smith 05-01-2017 12:43
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THAT message is from python, so you'll have to report it to
Posted By Stony Smith 05-01-2017 12:34
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This is the one thing that I hate about python the most. I love it for many many things, but this "feature" just kills me. In the Python2Implementation input field.. the spacing is done with TABS. However, you will find that your code, even though it is aligned properly, is filled with spaces instead ...