My apologies, I did that part with an API call ... I could share is the whole dataflow.
Simply put, you need to do a PUT operation to
The LTK can be obtained from the AnalyzeCli login
The body of the PUT needs to be:
Stony Smith
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-26-2024 01:44
From: Mario Ermacora
Subject: Data Flows that are "Locked for Editing"
Hi Stony,
Can you provide an example AnalyzeCli command to retrieve a list of locked dataflows?
It's not clear how to do this from the CLI documentation or analyzeCli help examples
Mario Ermacora
Director and Co-Founder
Melbourne VIC
Original Message:
Sent: 04-16-2024 11:32
From: Stony Smith
Subject: Data Flows that are "Locked for Editing"
The AnalyzeCli tool can be used to retrieve a list of all Locked Dataflows, and then individual users could be notified to unlock their objects.
Stony Smith
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-08-2024 05:15
From: Henrik B
Subject: Data Flows that are "Locked for Editing"
Hi, as far as i know you need to be signed in as an admin user and do the following:
Henrik B
E.ON Sverige
Original Message:
Sent: 03-29-2024 09:23
From: Gerry Mullin
Subject: Data Flows that are "Locked for Editing"
Any time a user has made a change to a data flow and exits without saving, you will get a warning saying its locked for editing by the user. Is there any good way, even as an admin, to remove this message and revert to the last saved copy? I haven't found any easy way to get around this without deleting the data flow and re-importing it.