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Mr. Ryan Richter

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1 to 18 of 18 total
Posted By Ryan Richter 02-04-2024 07:52
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Peter, I have not reached out to support yet, that is my next step. In downloading many of these tools, there are about 10 that I love to use. I cannot find one in particular. I do not remember what it is called, but it adds many "right-click" options inside the explorer window, one of the ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 02-02-2024 11:35
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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So I found a way to connect to the Marketplace on Chrome, and just download the MBX zip files and I am registering them myself one by one. Not as good as just selecting them and having them install automatically, but this works. Hopefully the access directly to Marketplace will get fixed at some point. ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 02-02-2024 11:04
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Is there a way to access the MapInfo Marketplace externally? Or get access to the MBX files on there a different way? I really need to figure this one out, there are several MBX programs on there that I use quite frequently, and not having them is definitely an issue for me. Thanks Ryan
Posted By Ryan Richter 02-02-2024 10:11
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Peter, thanks for the idea, unfortunately, this did not work. I logged out, and logged in again, but still got the exact same error message. Any thoughts on what else to try? Thanks Ryan
Posted By Ryan Richter 02-01-2024 08:51
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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I finally got my MapInfo 2023 upgrade (build release 120), and I am going through and setting it up the way I want, which involves getting a ton of programs I like to use from the MapInfo Marketplace. However, when I try to connect to it, I always get this error message. Anyone have a clue what I ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 01-23-2023 12:56
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Is there an updated MBX for appending multiple files?  I have the multipend.mbx file but after registering it in MapInfo (v2021.1 build 25) it will not work. A coworker of mine showed me how to do it in QGIS as this function comes standard.  Why is the ability not included standard in MapInfo these ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 01-23-2023 12:55
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Is there an updated version of a Multi-Append tool mbx out there somewhere?  I have an old multiappend.mbx file that I registered but cannot get to open or work with the latest version of MapInfo, and I did not see any mbx tool like this in the MapInfo Marketplace.   A colleague of mine showed me ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 08-22-2022 12:03
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Thanks Peter as always. When the data come from Oracle into MapInfo, the column is now a float, which I think explains the scientific notation.  I will forward this info onto our smallworld tech who handles the export, I am sure I will have more questions afterwards.  Thanks so much! Ryan ----- ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 08-19-2022 13:57
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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We have a very large data-set in GE smallworld which catalogues our entire network inventory.  From the beginning, every single object has been given a unique numerical ID.  Over the years these ID's for new objects has grown incredibly large such as 1456670843142318470 (This is a real ID as a number).  ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 06-29-2022 08:47
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Thanks so much, my coworker said that saving the state file worked, and he'll use that if he makes changes to his menu. Appreciate the help! ------------------------------ Ryan Richter COX COMMUNICATIONS Roanoke GA ------------------------------
Posted By Ryan Richter 06-28-2022 19:02
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Great thank you.  I have relayed this info to my coworker, hopefully one of these options will be the fix he needs.  If not I'll report back.   Thanks as always Ryan ------------------------------ Ryan Richter COX COMMUNICATIONS Roanoke GA ------------------------------
Posted By Ryan Richter 06-23-2022 13:26
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi there, I have a co-worker who finally got his upgrade to MapInfo 2021, and I have worked with him to get his favorite buttons and commands added to the quick access toolbar, however when he exits Mapinfo and returns, they are always all gone, and he has to add them again each time.  We have checked ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 03-04-2022 14:13
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Yes, this exact same thing was happening to us as well.  It was a constant battle of closing and opening map and browser windows.  I noticed sometimes if I close a browser, and then open it again, it will say browser 2, or then browser 3,4 etc.  I've seen up to 9!   If you go in your explorer window, ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 03-03-2022 13:32
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Peter, Yes I am not having any issues anymore at the moment (knock on wood)  I unloaded them all, so ya I do not know if it is related to a specific tool.  It was a very odd occurrence to suddenly just have not just tools, but even zoom and pan functions grayed out, which of course makes no difference ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 03-01-2022 08:59
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Bob, Thank you for this information, I'll admit I was skeptical that this would work, but low and behold it did.  I am now letting my other co-workers know that they can do this when they have similar issues.  I am still hopeful that this will be addressed in any updates or patches that may get released.   ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 02-23-2022 11:54
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi, yes I am running build 197.  This weird behavior is getting worse for myself and my coworkers.   Some people noted above that in my images that the map was not the active window, the browser was, so in these examples I do not have a browser open, but what you will also notice, is that even though ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 02-18-2022 08:37
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi John, In the image this is true, but it did not matter, and that also would not explain why the zoom and pan, ruler etc are grayed out when you right click on the active map, because that has to be the active map window when you are in there and then right clicking to get those shortcuts, and those ...
Posted By Ryan Richter 02-17-2022 11:54
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Is anyone else having issues with the new 2021 version in regards to everyday functions and buttons being grayed out?  This happens to myself and several co-workers quite often now, and we are all stumped as to the cause, and how to fix it.  We have just started our company upgrade of about 100 licenses ...