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Rex Campbell

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Posted By Rex Campbell 05-07-2024 10:53
Found In Egroup: Automate
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The only way I could get this to work without issues is to use IL02 and add measuring points that way but you have to go back to get the measuring points afterwards which is not ideal but better than IK01 ------------------------------ Rex Campbell Sr. Software Developer Energy Transfer Partners, LP ...
Posted By Rex Campbell 05-07-2024 09:15
Found In Egroup: Automate
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I am trying to create a script for creating measuring points for functional locations, so far, this appears to only be possible in GUI mode. The reason is that there appears to be a refresh when going from IEQ to IFL to enter the functional location related to the script. The script works fine on the ...
Posted By Rex Campbell 01-31-2024 15:41
Found In Egroup: Automate
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using the operations screen is tricky but the best solution I found is to do a select all operations on the screen for the task list and use the next operation button in the recording once the first operation is updated. Then after recording, create a loop accordingly. That way you should be able to ...
Posted By Rex Campbell 06-28-2023 15:29
Found In Egroup: Automate
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I must have used the wrong code but need to fine tune script before posting, =P+ somehow worked this time whereas before it did not. Could be my conversion from GUI to non gui in addition to the right page down code was the trick.
Posted By Rex Campbell 06-28-2023 14:03
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Nevermind, I tried a different way and it worked. Thanks anyway. ------------------------------ Rex Campbell Energy Transfer Partners, LP TX ------------------------------
Posted By Rex Campbell 06-28-2023 12:50
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Here is the script I have so far. Basically if I try to reference RIHSTRAT-MARK01(15) or higher, the script errors saying that the field does not exist using IA06. If I use a page down option, it does scroll but it still does not recognize the field and if I try to use RIHSTRAT-MARK01(1) it still ...
Posted By Rex Campbell 06-28-2023 08:26
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Currently have a script that will select the proper check box for the proper maintenance package for a task list. It works for up to 14 operations but will not recognize or update beyond 14. I tried adding a page down option as well but that did not seem to update beyond the original 14 operations. Any ...
Posted By Rex Campbell 05-27-2021 09:08
Found In Egroup: Automate
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Hoping for a bit of help on this script.  The script works fine if you have it run for just one task list group with measurement points but when it gets to the next header row, it breaks because it somehow is still looking for the measurement point to exist.  The if column will contain an X to indicate ...