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Irakli Chitishvili

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Posted By Irakli Chitishvili 05-27-2024 08:57
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hi, Filter node won't work with dynamic date ranges. Depending on what is the data source, you might have 2 options: 1. If data source is a database and depending on database type and how your datetime column is formatted, you can simply add where clause something like this (This is an Oracle syntax): ...
Posted By Irakli Chitishvili 09-28-2023 04:22
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Thanks Adrian, I think AnalyzeCLI could be a viable option as we have to pause/resume around 400 flows based on the database load status. ------------------------------ Irakli Chitishvili Data Trust Associates ------------------------------
Posted By Irakli Chitishvili 09-28-2023 04:21
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Thanks Toby, this is indeed an interesting idea. Having db status attached to meta check and then execute data flow should work as it supports multiple flows simultaneously. ------------------------------ Irakli Chitishvili Data Trust Associates ------------------------------
Posted By Irakli Chitishvili 09-26-2023 03:48
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hi, I'm exploring the possibility of having some sort of master switch which will act as general trigger for all flows. Use case: Hundreds of flows are scheduled and due to the instability or some problems with ETL at the source some of flows fail to run. Having master switch would act on possible ...
Posted By Irakli Chitishvili 07-05-2023 11:52
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hello, I'm exploring the possibility of triggering the Analyze flow from Govern based on certain actions, like changing the tag value of the asset or successfully running the workflow in the govern. So far I couldn't find any command in AnalyzeCLI which might help with the case. Have anybody implemented ...
Posted By Irakli Chitishvili 06-16-2023 15:53
Found In Egroup: Data360 Govern
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Update: Solved it through Assets->POST->Assets/Tags which creates association between assets and tags, basically adding new tag value to the asset. ------------------------------ Irakli Chitishvili Data Trust Associates ------------------------------
Posted By Irakli Chitishvili 06-16-2023 14:37
Found In Egroup: Data360 Govern
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Hi, I'm trying to find a way to update a tag value of the asset through swagger (PUT on assets, UID, TypeUID), however I get the following message: Tag is a Tag field and cannot be updated on this request.","Success":false or another error message that tag is a computed field. I tried almost ...