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Mayca González Pérez

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Posted By Mayca González Pérez 06-06-2024 07:28
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Thanks, now yes ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 06-06-2024 06:20
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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I don't get errors anymore. The only thing that is not placed as default. It stays on the map. I have put the function after all the maps are loaded EielRTab = RbnTabCollAddStrStr (RibbonTabColl, "EIELTab", "EIEL") EielGroupColl = GetRbnTabGrps(EielRTab) Call RBNSelectTab(EielRTab) ...
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 06-04-2024 05:46
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Te paso fichero donde tengo la implementación y el del menu, la función esta en la linea 1172 ------------------------------ Peter Horsbøll Møller Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer Precisely | Trust in Data
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 06-04-2024 05:46
Found In Library: Mapinfo Pro
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 06-03-2024 13:13
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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When linking I get the following error I have the library include declared Include "EIELMAP.DEF" Include "MAPBASIC.DEF" Include "IMAPINFOPRO.DEF" Include "MENU.DEF" Include "MENUTRANSF.DEF" Include "MENUACTION.DEF" Include "MENUQUERY.DEF" Include "MULTIMODIFICAR.DEF" Include "ICONS.DEF" Include ...
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 06-03-2024 09:26
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi How can I make the EIEL tab when opening the application be checked by default? ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-28-2024 01:09
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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I'm sorry. What a stupid mistake ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-23-2024 14:57
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Hi. When converting I get an error when compiling Unrecognized command: (. Dim i_obj_type As SmallInt, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3,y3 As Float, new_pnt As Object i_obj_type = ObjectInfo(objOBJECT, OBJ_INFO_TYPE) ' ... then the object is a polyline... x1 = ObjectNodeX(objOBJECT, 1, 1) ' read longitude ...
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-20-2024 12:33
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Okay. It has worked. Now my doubt arises to save it in the database. I have a database in ORACLE. In the MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG table in the SPATIAL field I have defined 13.3. When I hit save it gives me the following error.How can I define the table so that it allows me to save that geometry? -------- ...
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-16-2024 06:47
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Ok we have this function, but how can I make the points dynamic. That is, the user points them out 'Creates a new circle object. Dim NewObj as object NewObj = Exec("MapCAD.mbx","CircleFromPointsXY", 434204.02,5566829.13,434219.39 ,5566833.997,434218.18,5566852.19) Insert into [Table] (obj) values ...
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-14-2024 16:20
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Ok. Thanks ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-13-2024 15:18
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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And how can I call those functions from MAPBASIC? ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-13-2024 02:52
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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What functions in the MENU.def file correspond to the following icons? The first is M_TOOLS_RULER and the rest? Thanks ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-06-2024 10:10
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-06-2024 02:36
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Hi. I have copied the code into my application to test and it gives me the following errors ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 05-04-2024 06:42
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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One question, is there a guide that indicates what each action in the MENU.DEF file does? Because, for example, I'm looking for the preview or change view function and I don't know which one corresponds. ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------- ...
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 04-30-2024 03:28
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Ok. Thanks ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 04-29-2024 08:11
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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1_ The "Explorer" space can be reduced, and adapted to the number of data tables that are loaded, and another 20 additional ones that can be opened. 2.- In the upper band the work environment is named as "Untitled.wor -MapInfo Pro", change if possible to another name such as "EIELMap.wor - MapInfo Pro" ...
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 04-29-2024 07:59
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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Hi. Two points. 1-How do I indicate that the layer is viewed with a zoom? or to show the entire layer? it looks small 2-How do I put other layers on top? for example I have to introduce this layer Set Map Layer RED_ALUMBRADO Display Graphic Set Map Layer RED_ALUMBRADO Display Global Global Line ...
Posted By Mayca González Pérez 04-25-2024 01:56
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro Developers User Group
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I already found the function Call SetRbnToolBtnCtrlLargeIcon(btnPuntoCoor, New_Uri("pack://legacyorigin:,,,/"& MI_ICON_CROSSHAIR Large", 0)) ------------------------------ Mayca González Pérez COMUNIDAD. AUT. REG MURCIA ------------------------------