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Majevskis Karlis

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Posted By Majevskis Karlis 10-02-2021 13:01
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Thanks, mate. It worked!!!
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 09-08-2021 13:21
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Here is an example from Data360
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 09-08-2021 13:19
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hello, Adrian. Thanks for very fast response. The problem in your solution is that ipv4 row does not contain the required data and vice versa, the required port and hostname data does not contain ipv4 value in respective column. In the picture below i've opened the ml with excel. The red values ...
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 09-07-2021 15:50
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hello, community. I need your help. After many hours of reading manual and testing i have decided to ask for a help. I have a XML file of from nmap port scanning tool which i need to transfer to table format. The field map is here: The end result should be ...
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 03-03-2021 15:45
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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It worked! Thanks a lot!
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 03-03-2021 08:56
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Oops! Sorry. Did not notice lna file attached. Will check it out and come back later.
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 03-03-2021 08:54
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hey, thanks. Good idea. But how i can add those value fields type1, type2, etc.?
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 03-03-2021 07:55
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Actually my source data looked like this (2 columns): name type bob a/b/c mary x/y john x/y/z/f I've converted it to the table above with Expand from list node. So i need a solution for either first table or this one. Thanks a lot
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 03-03-2021 07:51
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hello I would like to transpose values from single column into single row and create as much columns as needed for each value stored in source column. Input data name type bob a bob b bob c mary x mary y john x john y john z john ...
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 10-02-2020 10:17
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Is this here official support or community support?
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 10-01-2020 02:03
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hello I'm using Extract ERP table node I've placed files under C:\ProgramData\Data360Analyze\site\lib\java and it seems that this is the right pace. Your recommended folder even did not exist. I've created it and moved the files there and got an error:
Posted By Majevskis Karlis 09-28-2020 04:24
Found In Egroup: Data360 Analyze
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Hello I'm using Data360 analyse free version. I've installed necessary java modules to run SAP ERP connector. I'm getting following messages on different ERP instances. 1) Connection established to SAP destination, however unable to retrieve repository. SAP System returned error: Initialization ...