Hi Ed
Here is one link in the doc: https://help.precisely.com/r/Automate-Function-Module/Main/en-US/Automate-Function-Module/Admin-Guide/Automate-Function-Module-Admin-Guide/Specific-use-case-AFM-and-Wrapper-AFMs?tocId=USIQscl6cjyP_mCG4fKdDA
Nick & Ed - My colleague Maria did webinar a while back where she showed this tip:
You go into the Extra -> User settings on the classification tab:
go to General settings & select lang-ind. char.
make the above part of your recording, then you will see the Field names in the Transaction, which is always unique and can be found.
default is the description, which is language dependent, like below:
with the above user setting, you will get the language independent field names, like this:
Field names are always unique, as opposed to the Description, which is not. It does mean you have to use the Field Name in your input data.
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 03-22-2024 12:23
From: Ed Meiners
Subject: Changing material characteristics
hi Sigrid, the link to this documentation isn't valid anymore. Can you update or share it?
I am specifically looking for adding a value to a characteristic which can have multiple values.
just a fictive example:
characteristic ABC
possible values:
for example, HUM is already assigned and I want to add XYZ.
If you have any tips/ideas (BAPI) please let me know!
Ed Meiners
Wessanen Nederland Holding BV
Original Message:
Sent: 04-11-2023 10:07
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Changing material characteristics
Would use a BAPI instead, especially if you cannot change the characteristic description to be unique. It would use the field name instead of the description, which is always unique.
You could use an OOTB BAPI like BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE or the one embedded in the Function Module /WINSHTLQ/TRN_MT_CLASIFICATION which allows you to work with multiple classes doing gets, creates and updates - description in the doc: https://help.precisely.com/r/Automate-Function-Module/20.3/en-US/Automate-Function-Module/Admin-Guide/Content/concepts/AutomateFM_v20.3_Admin_Guide_Winshuttle-Function-module-admin-guide.html/Specific-use-case-AFM-and-Wrapper-AFMs?tocId=wS73gd5ke7OqotgXcmEP6w
Best Regards,
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-07-2023 10:29
From: Nick De Cock
Subject: Changing material characteristics
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to automate our material creation process, but i'm running into some issues uploading material classifications from a template. Everything works well, except for 2 characteristics: 'Brand type' and 'Brand'.
When the script is searching for the characteristic 'Brand', he places the value in characteristic 'brand type' (I think it's the first 'hit'). I would prefer not to change the character names. Is there any way to solve this?
Nick De Cock