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Mr. Lamont Norman


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Posted By Lamont Norman 02-24-2020 12:28
Found In Egroup: Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)
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#BigData #CloudNative I'm pleased to announce the release of Spectrum Spatial for Big Data 4.0. This release has new features to increase ease of use, container performance and help your organization take better advantage of geocoding, spatial processing and routing in Big Data and Cloud Native ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 02-24-2020 12:03
Found In Egroup: Geocoding
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#BigData #CloudNative I'm pleased to announce the release of Spectrum Spatial for Big Data 4.0. This release has new features to increase ease of use, container performance and help your organization take better advantage of geocoding, spatial processing and routing in Big Data and Cloud Native ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 07-22-2019 17:20
Found In Egroup: Data Points
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As a GIS user it can be interesting to work address locations.  In my case I wanted to look at distances to carrier fiber to understand optical coverage.  For example, what is the carrier fiber coverage for Detroit, or the suburbs of Dallas, or more rural areas even.  The address needed for a comprehensive ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-20-2019 14:54
Found In Egroup: Data Points
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Agreed.  That is why I keep thinking about a modeled solution as the consistency and quality of the data diminishes.  We do, however, have some consistently good quality data for the last 15 years in several cases.  We'd have assign IDs to the older data records and work out a way to keep the IDs from ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-19-2019 16:45
Found In Egroup: Data Points
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I was recently asked if we could provide historical risk information for an insurance application.  Typically the GIS data we provide is a static representation of the real world.  For example, every year we release a data set that represents US coastlines.  Users of this data get a new set of coastlines ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-03-2019 17:13
Found In Egroup: Data Points
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Why are 911 Call Centers going away? The trend is obvious to those who track PSAPs.  PSAPs are Public Safety Answering Points.  In the US these PSAPs correlate to the 911 call centers that we see on TV or have had the fortune of needing to call when something has gone seriously wrong.  The decrease ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 04-19-2019 16:46
Found In Egroup: Data Points
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You can use Fiber routes, Fiber Lit Buildings and Building boundaries  to see where to put new fiber relative to existing fiber lit buildings and compared to other providers.  In the image below the red pins are the near net fiber buildings that need access and are less costly to connect to the fiber ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 04-04-2019 15:52
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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These methods can be used to enhance other data projects.  I am looking forward to seeing more results.  Do you know if we can get building heights and vegetation heights extracted from the LIDAR information? ------------------------------ Lamont Norman Product Manager - GeoEnrichment and Telco ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 04-04-2019 14:09
Found In Egroup: Data Points
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Here are some ways to use GIS tools to display overlapping polygons to help planning departments understand 911 and 5G resourcing needs? We have two products that represent the a couple of approaches we've used to show data in our mapping systems.  The first approach is figuring out how to display ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 16:02
Found In Egroup: All Things Location
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the more we can show business value the easier it is to gain credibility. weve done a number of studies that show how better geocoding can save companies money. These studies typically look at the locations of poor geocodes and what that costs the business. For many organizations this can be a significant ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 16:02
Found In Egroup: All Things Location
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Raster data is incorporated as part of the results in the GeoEnrichment datasets. We, for example, use raster data to calculate elevation profiles in our flood data. Let’s get more specific on new applications of LI. Also when you talk about geoenrichment and LI, when you says it’s incorporated what’s ...
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 16:00
Found In Egroup: Other Software and Data
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We use the GeoEnrichment process to incorporate results from raster data so customers can use them more easily. For example we take the NED raster data and use it to find elevation results such as an elevation profile to closest water bodies. See the image below:
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 15:42
Found In Egroup: Other Software and Data
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GeoEnrichment datasets are prebuilt address data with the pbKey and are deployed in any database environment
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 15:34
Found In Egroup: All Things Location
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GeoEnrichment datasets are prebuilt address data with the pbKey and are deployed in any database environment
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 15:29
Found In Egroup: Other Software and Data
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Being able to quickly tie multiple data sources quickly is where we can help with spatial data sets. Weve keyed spatial data to addresses.
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 15:25
Found In Egroup: Other Software and Data
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we can use our unique and persistent identifiers for IOT locations so that it is easier to match them with services and group them for analysis
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 15:20
Found In Egroup: Other Software and Data
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weve looked at using the elevation data from the USGS to build more interesting elevation information. For example, in insurance we provide a elevation profile from the policy location to the nearest water body.
Posted By Lamont Norman 05-09-2018 15:14
Found In Egroup: Other Software and Data
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we have been using unique and persistent identifiers for each address in a country. We have customers who use the identifier to match the identifier with addresses throughout their data storage systems so that they can become more efficient in in managing their data