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Julien Lebrun

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Posted By Julien Lebrun 09-15-2020 08:20
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Thanks for the article Peter, great tips! Looking forward to see the Python improvements in MapInfo v.2019.3! Julien ------------------------------ Julien Lebrun Korem Geospatial Software & Data Quebec QC ------------------------------
Posted By Julien Lebrun 08-07-2020 11:45
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Anshul, Thank you very much for the help, it's very appreciated. I think my issue was with the way I was building the inputRasters parameter. Regards, Julien ------------------------------ Julien Lebrun Korem Geospatial Software & Data Quebec QC ------------------------------
Posted By Julien Lebrun 08-06-2020 15:56
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Does anyone know if all the functionalities of the Raster SDK work in Python? I'm curious because the Calculate method is not included in the quick start and the different parameter types also vary from the existing sample code. Any existing Python script using the calculate method? -------- ...
Posted By Julien Lebrun 08-05-2020 08:19
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi Peter, Thanks for your help, I was able to make it work with something very similar to what you suggested: inputRasters = [RasterExpressionInputs()] inputRasters[0].alias = 'GRID_IN' inputRasters[0].field = 3 inputRasters[0].filePath = r"C:\Users\username\client\2020\data\QC_pythonTest.MRR" ...
Posted By Julien Lebrun 08-04-2020 15:11
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Hi all, I'm currently struggling with the RasterProcessing.Calculate Method from the Raster SDK used in a Python script. Although most other .NET code is easily translated to Python, i keep stalling on this one. The first parameter (inputRasters) is of type MapInfo.RasterEngine.Common.RasterExpressionInputs[] ...
Posted By Julien Lebrun 01-23-2020 16:01
Found In Egroup: Geocoding
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Interesting feature. Is it possible to know the penalty value attributed to each field? I feel like I've seen it before but I can't find it anywhere. Thanks! ------------------------------ Julien Lebrun Korem Geospatial Software & Data Quebec QC ------------------------------