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Ms. Louise Kavanagh

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Posted By Louise Kavanagh 01-27-2025 04:00
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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Today I am looking at the use of the Time-Series feature in MapInfo Pro and how it can be used to create a temporal map. A temporal map is a map that shows how something changes over time. This example uses Ofqual GCSE results data and provides the percentage of grades awarded a 7 or above in each English ...
Posted By Louise Kavanagh 12-23-2024 04:00
Found In Egroup: MapInfo Pro
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During the month of November I undertook the #30DayMapChallenge where a different map was created every day following a specific theme, having been a MapInfo Pro user for more than 20 years I used MapInfo Pro for the majority of these maps. Following this @Peter Møller asked me to contribute to #MapInfoMonday ...
Posted By Louise Kavanagh 07-10-2017 07:10
Found In Egroup: Other Software and Data
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Interesting and potentially very useful. As a parent though Im not sure about it.