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Karli Kannel

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Posted By Karli Kannel 08-14-2024 05:44
Found In Egroup: Spectrum Technology Platform
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Can you confirm supporting newer versions for Spectrum 22 and Spectrum 23? ------------------------------ Karli Kannel Knowledge Community Shared Account ------------------------------
Posted By Karli Kannel 10-24-2023 03:43
Found In Egroup: Spectrum Technology Platform
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Hello! We would like to know, if newer PostgreSQL and PostGIS versions are supported on latest Spectrum version. On official documentation it is said that latest supported version is PostgreSQL 12.0 (with PostGIS 3.0). This is quite old already and seems to be losing maintenance next year. Has ...
Posted By Karli Kannel 05-03-2023 19:24
Found In Egroup: Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)
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Hi, thanks for that example. Been trying to load ol-ext library in different ways, but can't figure it out fully. In some cases, I see it's been loaded, but it gives error "ol is not defined". ------------------------------ Karli Kannel Knowledge Community Shared Account ----------------------- ...
Posted By Karli Kannel 03-29-2023 11:05
Found In Egroup: Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)
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To me it seems like there is no "Guest Mode" for Project Home page, by official documentation it definitely requires logging in right now at least on the 2022.1 version. I'm not expert, but it might be solvable with some proxy kind of layer, which automatically logs guest user in by some pre-defined ...
Posted By Karli Kannel 03-22-2023 15:15
Found In Egroup: Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)
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Could there be some conflict with using ol-ext now with OpenLayers version 6.5.0? It just doesn't seem to get the import and reference ol-ext library when I load ol-ext functions in extensibility in SSA project. ------------------------------ Karli Kannel Knowledge Community Shared Account ---- ...
Posted By Karli Kannel 03-22-2023 13:44
Found In Egroup: Spectrum Spatial (SSA/LIM)
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Hi! I'm wondering how to make this external library work now while upgrading to SSA 2022.1. We used some modules from 'ol-ext' library previously in our extensibilities and everything worked fine. So, could anyone provide an example how to reference 'ol-ext' library correctly in CustomAnalystModuleConfig.json ...