Thanks to all of you who attended our MapInfo Pro v2023 Release Webinars. And thanks for all the questions that were raised during the webinars.
We have now finally compiled a complete list from the webinars with answers to them all. You can find these below grouped into categories to make it easier to find the question and answer you are looking for.
In case you missed the webinars, you can watch the recordings from here:
You can find more details about the MapInfo Pro v2023 release in this post: MapInfo Monday: MapInfo Pro v2023.
3D Maps
Q: Does the 3D visualization replace Discover?
- That depends on how you use Discover. If it's for general 3D visualization, then it's possible that you could use MapInfo Pro v2023 instead. However, if it's for detailed mining use cases or complex 3D analysis, then probably not. You may even want to use both together :)
Q: Can we do negative elevation, like sub-surface Geology / Water bores?
- Yes, you can model data underground such as Drill Holes, underground pipes, etc
Question: I am a Discover user, but I can see this as useful for quick visualizations. Specifically interested in quickly displaying Z data for nodes in geological mapping.
- We have visualized some borehole data from Datamine in the 3D map already
Question: Is it possible to integrate data from drill holes?
- Yes, we have been testing with DrillHole data
Question: I note a "Scale" under the Height dialogue. Does this allow height distortion?
- Scale is like a height exaggeration
Question: Can you visualise a multimode object with different elevations at nodes e.g., an underground sewer main
- You can visualize objects with different Z values on each node. For example, underground sewer pipes and even polygons where different Z values at the nodes. I haven't yet tried drawing a cube in a MapInfo tab to see how that works.
Question: Can you do 3D animations or fly-throughs
- Not through the UI, but you can with some MapBasic code
Question: So, the 3D functionality can render 'free-floating' polyhedrons?
- will be able to do this, yes. I haven't come across that data yet in MapInfo Pro, so I haven't tested that yet. Currently, we only allow you to add data from a map window inside MapInfo Pro.
Question: Does 3D have the ability to be applied to underground facilities? For example, gas or water lines underground.
- Yes, underground views are easily visualized.
Question: What is the upper limit on the number of building polygons supported in a single 3D view?
- I have tested it to the extent, but I have been able to load 800,000 buildings into a 3D map in MapInfo Pro
Question: Can I do intervisibility in the 3D window?
- We don't have a dedicated tool for that in the 3D map yet. You could create a viewshed using MapInfo Pro Raster and add this raster image to the 3D map.
Question: Does the 3D map view adjustment work with touch-screen workstations?
- We haven't tested touch-screen with the new 3D maps
Question: Thank you all. Very informative. Last question - can two 3D windows be opened side-by-side for a stereo view?
- You can open 3D windows side-by-side, but I don't think they will work as a stereo view.
Question: With a 3D map can you show two different values for the same objects - color an object for a value, raise the same object for another value it holds?
- Yes. you can shade via a thematic and set a height expression.
Question: Is it possible to save/load specific view locations and angles to reproduce maps, for repeat studies?
- MapInfo Pro 3D has a method that can be called to position the map but there is currently no built-in functionality in the user interface to store positions
Question: Can the 3D visualization be used in conjunction with sun shading?
- We have not exposed lighting in the first version, but it is possible
Question: Does 3D support both height and depth?
Question: Did you mention that the 3D feature is only in the Advanced? So, people can switch from perpetual if needed?
- 3D creation is only in Advanced. MapInfo Pro and MapInfo Pro Viewer can view 3D maps saved to workspaces. And yes, we have a program in place allowing users on maintenance to switch to subscription at no additional cost.
Question: At the moment, colors from objects in a tab file aren't replicated in 3D. Is this going to be available soon, to drape vector layers over 3D?
- We are planning to handle this by creating an individual value theme from the underlying style data. Currently, the Static Theme from the WindowHelper tool can do this for you.
Question: Will I be able to interact with the 3D functionality through MapBasic/Python?
- We are planning to expose an object model, but it is not available in this first release
3D Data Formats
Question: Is it possible to drape a WMS layer on a model?
- WMS is not supported in the first release
Question: What is the resolution of the built-in elevation model?
- "Mapzen aggregates elevation data from several open data providers including 3 meter and 10 meter 3DEP in the United States, 30 meter SRTM globally, and coarser GMTED zoomed out and ETOPO1 to fill in bathymetry, all powered by GDAL/OGR VRTs and some special sauce." You can find more details about Mapzen Terrarium here:
Question: Can I import Leapfrog files?
- Not currently, no. You will need to export from Leapfrog in a format that can be loaded into MapInfo Pro
Question: Do you use open-source base maps when evaluating the 3D data? Or are those base maps made locally?
Q: Is there a way to put a roof on each building? The extrusion seems to just extrude the walls, not the base. Also, what file formats are supported for reading 3D models, like trees?
- The fill color covers the roof also. These buildings are extruded from a 2D building footprint. You can also place a raster image as a wall or a roof. Right now we support the .glb format but there are many converters from other formats such as .obj to .glb. Our Estonian partner showed a 3D Building model from a Geopackage file with real building forms in the 3D map at a conference in late October.
Question: Can I add clouds of points from radar surveys or use 3D Google Maps? Can I generate 3D surfaces from radar points?
- Point clouds and 3D vector tiles are not in the first release. You can generate surfaces from raster images or grids.
Question: Can I work with Digital Twins packages like Skyline or CityEngine?
- Not yet no. It's something that does support but we haven't made it possible in this first release.
Support for M & Z Values
Question: Will the MapInfo EasyLoader software be upgraded to accept 3D data when we upload .TAB files into SQL Server (as an example)
- Yes, we have plans to update EasyLoader/ MIF/MID and EFAL/GDAL.
Question: Is the only way to apply Z & M values to say, for example, a polygon object, through having the upgraded Tools
- We have modified several MapBasic statements to be able to set z and m values. The only way through the UI is via the DrawTools app for now.
Question: WMS, WFS, Vector tiles, Z-values. Which is the easiest way to get them from NLS of Finland. They are only supporting using it with QGIS.
- WMS and WFS are supported. Z values on nodes are also supported. Vector Tiles are currently not supported.
Data Formats and Data Access
Question: Has Open Street Map been integrated into MapInfo Pro before this version? Thanks so much!
- No new functionality with Open Street Map. It worked previously. It is just not available directly from the UI. We do ship MapInfo Pro with an Open Street Map tab file under the MapInfo Pro installation folder in the TileServer Folder. The three flavors of Precisely Maps are also based on Open Street Map, just with a different styling.
Question: Can I ask more about how to gain access to the Open Street Map tab file? We installed MapInfo Pro from the online installer. Thank you so much!
- In the TileServer folder in the folder where you installed MapInfo Pro, you will find several Tile Server tables that you can use. Most of them are connected to a button in the Open dropdown. Use the to open a normal Open Street Map map.
Question: Are the datasets (trees, buildings, etc.) available in this release as web services or are they specific to each user?
- They would be specific to the individual user or the individual country. In some countries, this type of data is open data, in other countries you will have to purchase it. The data Esther showed is the Precisely GeoVision product.
Question: Should I log in to Precisely and get the data from the data library?
Question: Is support for Ordnance Survey Web Map Vector tiles on the roadmap for MI Pro (or is it in v2023)?
- Unfortunately, no, we haven't gotten to that yet. But we would love to hear what people expect from Vector Tiles, and examples of Vector Tiles services they would like to use. This is one to add to our list.
Question: Does MapInfo Pro v2023 support MBtiles raster maps
- MBTiles are vector tiles, right? But unfortunately, no, we haven't gotten to that yet. But we would love to hear what people expect from MBTiles, and examples of MBTiles services they would like to use.
Other Topics
Question: Can we calculate cut/fill problems?
- MapInfo Pro Raster has a built-in calculator for volume calculation if that's what you are asking for.
Question: Any more enhancements/integration with Google Maps?
- Not currently shipped with MapInfo Pro but we do still have Bing Maps. You can use Google Maps in MapInfo Pro through the Google WMS or Maps Tile Server, at least technically. Legally, it's a bit harder to tell.
Question: Are there any other changes in 2023 other than this 3d component?
Question: We still use v15 at times due to memory leakage in 64-bit versions. Internal MI Tech Support Bug #: "MIPRO-102490" was never resolved; therefore, I have to use 32-bit v15
- We resolved this issue in v2019.3 and later versions. If you still have an issue, reach out and we'll look into it.
Question: Is there any improvement in geocoding functions?
- MapInfo Pro customers have access to our Precisely APIs for geocoding or drive time creation. You have 2,000 credits free each month. Our geocoding engine is continuously being improved.
Question: What about the change to Marketplace?
- We have posted several new and updated tools to the MapInfo Marketplace for this release and also in the last half year. We try to give a heads-up on new tools via the MapInfo Pro community too.
Question: Do you have any documentation that specifies what is included in the update to EasyLoader/ MIF/MID and EFAL/GDAL? Would that also include OAUTH2?
Question: What became of Vertical Mapper which did 3D in the past? I was looking for features in this presentation being added to MapInfo 23
- Vertical Mapper was end-of-lifed when we moved to 64-bit and replaced it with MapInfo Pro Raster. Are there any specific features from Vertical Mapper you miss, do let us know, for example through the Precisely Ideas.
Question: Since switching to 64bit, MapInfo has evolved into a powerful GIS tool. However, there is a feature, Region Inspection, that is not working anymore as it once did. More specifically, when inspecting a polygon, it takes into account just the center of a cell grid instead of using its entirety. This is quite problematic in low grid resolutions. Are there any plans to restore the tool's original functionality? Thank you!
- When running a Region Inspection, MapInfo Pro Raster uses the center of the grid cells to see if the cells should be considered for the Region Inspection. If you are comparing regions with a small resolution of around 10 meters in radius to grid cells of a size of 100x100 meters. This means there is a risk that even though the polygon is entirely inside the grid cell, it will not consider the grid cell as it may not contain the center of the grid cell. Support gave you two workarounds: 1) Convert Region to Point and use Point Inspection or 2) Resample the Grid to a smaller grid size, say 10x10 meters. We can add another workaround: Convert Region to Polylines and use Line Inspection. I hope one of these three workarounds can help you out.
Question: Can we expect an improved Python environment?
- Can you tell us a bit more about what you are looking for? Maybe ask a question in the MapInfo Pro community or post a suggestion in Precisely Ideas:
Question: Can we export of selection to Excel?
- Have you had a look at the MapInfo2Excel tool in the MapInfo Marketplace? And since MapInfo Pro v2021, you have been able to export to MS Excel through OGR Vector Files.
Question: Can we design dashboards and connect them to external data sources?
- Well, I'm sure that could be done in MapInfo Pro, but I'd think you would be better off using either Spectrum Spatial or MapReveal for this.
Question: We're hoping for more ways to apply proportional overlay and dasymetric allocation for small area existing condition and growth projection allocations (integrated land use and transportation demand analysis and modeling)
Release and Licenses
Question: How change the base resources for PCs to work with this new version (RAM, Cores, etc.)?
- No changes to machine requirements
Question: What RAM is required to use the 3D modeling?
- That depends on your data.
Question: Where does Precisely see MapInfo in 5 years?
- Great question! MapInfo Pro is an important part of our location intelligence portfolio, and we'll continue to develop it. We encourage our users to drive the roadmap, so let us know where you want to go!
Question: When will this release be available to download?
Question: Is it a free update from MapInfo 2021 to MapInfo Pro 2023?
- If you are currently on maintenance or have a subscription for MapInfo Pro, you can get v2023 at no charge :)
Question: I don't have the 3D tab in my version of MapInfo Pro 2021. Is it a paid option?
- The new 3D tab is available in MapInfo Pro v2023.
Question: Are Runtimes available yet?
- Yes, we have already released MapInfo Pro, MapInfo Pro Advanced, MapInfo Pro Viewer, MapInfo Runtime, and MapBasic
Question: Is upgrading to MapInfo Pro 2023 free?
- Hi! Yes, it is free of charge for anyone currently on maintenance or subscription :)
Question: I have MapInfo Pro 2021, need a new license to have the 3D tab. Is it free? or just need an upgrade?
- Hi! Yes, it is free of charge for anyone who is current on maintenance or subscription :)
Question: I'm not sure how licensing works, especially for my organization. If we have MapInfo Pro 2021, do we also have access to 2023?
- If your org is on maintenance with us or have a subscription, then v2023 is available to you free of charge. If you reach out to and give them your current v2021 serial number, they can take a look.
Question: Do you have a schedule yet for additional languages?
- We expect Japanese and the 3 Nordic languages to go out in early November, and then the remaining languages should be ready by the end of the year or early next year. PS: Japanese, Swedish, Finnish, and Danish have just been published on our website yesterday.
Question: How will you let us know when additional languages are released (like Spanish)
- We'll post details in the MapInfo Pro Community and update the News section on the Welcome page in MapInfo Pro.
If you looking for more details on any of the questions above or have other questions, feel free to post these as comments to this thread or start a new thread here in the MapInfo Pro community.
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
Precisely | Trust in Data