Assure DQ

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  • 1.  Perform separate external delivery

    Posted 01-09-2023 10:47
    I have the "perform separate external delivery" checked on some result actions in Assure.  I expected a separate email for every alert, but just recently that is not what happened.  Assure sent separate emails for 23 of them, but for the remaining alerts it sent one email with the subject "You have 19 new alerts in your inbox" with nothing in the body of the email.  I looked at the manuals for information about this email and can't find anything.  Why did this happen?  Is there something we can do to make sure it always sends separate email?

    Renee Payne
    GuideOne Insurance Company
    West Des Moines IA

  • 2.  RE: Perform separate external delivery

    Posted 01-09-2023 12:32
    Renee, the system does have a limit, per alert delivery run, of how many individual emails it will send, to avoid situations where it might send an unreasonable number of emails. The limit is configurable, and defaults as follows:


    You can add the above property to your file (if it doesn't exist, create it in the same folder as your for your installation configuration), and run update-config. The modified property value ends up in You can increase it as you see fit for how many individual emails you want the system to send to any one user per run of the result action/alert processing that runs every 5 minutes.

    Brian Butters
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Perform separate external delivery

    Posted 01-10-2023 10:27
    Thank you, Brian!  It makes sense that there is a limit since too many could shut down the email system.  We will not change this on our installation.  I have explained this to the business areas since they were the ones who asked.  I will work with them to make sure they know how to use Assure to see results.

    Renee Payne
    GuideOne Insurance Company
    West Des Moines IA