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  • 1.  Is anyone else unable to start Spectrum server, getting hazelcast license error?

    Posted 10-01-2024 15:35
    Edited by David Carlson 10-01-2024 15:40

    Getting the following error in the log, even after installing patch S22:

    com.hazelcast.license.exception.InvalidLicenseException: Enterprise License has expired! Please contact your sales representative or contact support@hazelcast.com

  • 2.  RE: Is anyone else unable to start Spectrum server, getting hazelcast license error?

    Posted 10-01-2024 15:41

    I already opened a support ticket. Just looking to see if I can crowdsource a faster solution.

    Dave Carlson

  • 3.  RE: Is anyone else unable to start Spectrum server, getting hazelcast license error?

    Posted 10-01-2024 16:16

    Precisely support set me up with fix very quickly!

    Dave Carlson

  • 4.  RE: Is anyone else unable to start Spectrum server, getting hazelcast license error?

    Posted 10-02-2024 08:40
    Edited by Ryan Collins 10-02-2024 08:41

    The support ticket is the best way to go in this scenario.  I encountered the hazelcast license warning (at the time a 30 day warning) after installing 2023.1 S12 back in August.  Support gave me a temporary license key to add to the <Spectrum installed Location>/server/bin/wrapper/wrapper.conf file as an additional entry in the "# Java Additional Parameters" section.  This is supposed to extend the hazelcast license out to Feb '25 while a permanent fix is prepared for release.  I was assured by support that the perm fix should be released well in advance of the new expiration timeframe (no current errors or warnings related to hazelcast after the temp fix).

    Ryan Collins