Data360 Analyze

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  • 1.  Input based Drop-Down Property for Transform Node

    Posted 03-08-2024 04:14

    Hi All,

    I am trying to implement a Transform node with drop-down property based on input data values (ie. dynamic value)

    Does anybody have an example or idea how to Edit Property Definitions? There exists very little documentation on the topic.

    Markku Rantala
    Product Manager
    Adsotech Scandinavia Oy

  • 2.  RE: Input based Drop-Down Property for Transform Node

    Posted 03-12-2024 09:53
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    The Help documentation relating to defining properties can be found in the Data360 Analyze integrated Help (See the 'Advanced Topics' -> 'Defining Properties' topic). This information is also available online for the latest version of the product here:

    However, it is not possible to possible to directly populate a Choice type node property from the contents of an input field. The choice values are literal strings that are defined when the property is created/edited. The values for node properties are treated as constants when the data flow is compiled/run. It is only possible to access the values in input records after the data flow has been compiled.

    Depending on the number of choices you could perhaps validate the value input by the user to confirm whether it exists in the particular input field using the following process:

    Get the values in the particular input field and de-duplicate them. 

    Convert the unique values into a delimited list and concatenate this to the start of the data set. 

    Get the required value for the input choice that was specified by the user.

    Check whether the chosen value is included in the delimited list of values.

    If it isn't then generate an error. If it is, process the data using the chosen value.

    See the attached example data flow (requires Data360 Analyze 3.12.x or above)

    Adrian Williams
    Precisely Software Inc.
