There is no generic, built-in, way to do it in that release. For a particular file you could us this approach:
The CSV/Delimited node is configured to read in the data as if the data did not have a header record:
The note will then auto-generate field names:
A Transform node then configured to clean up the field names in the first data record:
Then an Output CSV/Delimited node is used to write the data to a new file. The node is configured to not write the header record (the auto-generated field names) so the first data line will become the header record in the output file:
See the attached zipped .lna file.
Adrian Williams
Precisely Software Inc.
Naperville IL
Original Message:
Sent: 06-16-2022 09:34
From: Scott PERRY
Subject: How to load fields from csv file, using a CSV/Delimited input node, that contain an apostrophe
Hi Adrian
I don't see SubstituteInvalidCharachters as an option on the CSV/Delim node. (v3.6.3.6520).
Is there a way for me to manually define it or other approach?
Original Message:
Sent: 06-16-2022 08:59
From: Adrian Williams
Subject: How to load fields from csv file, using a CSV/Delimited input node, that contain an apostrophe
Hi Scott,
you can use the 'SubstituteInvalidCharacters' property:
Adrian Williams
Precisely Software Inc.
Naperville IL
Original Message:
Sent: 06-06-2022 10:36
From: Scott PERRY
Subject: How to load fields from csv file, using a CSV/Delimited input node, that contain an apostrophe
Hi Support team,
Please can you advise how to load fields from csv file, using a CSV/Delimited input node, that contain an apostrophe?
example field name - "Participant's LEI".
It can load the data if I specify all the field names in the "Field Names" option in the node but remove the apostrophe from the name e.g. "Participants LEI" (i.e. without the apostrophe). As i dont know all the field names up front for all my files that i want to load then this approach wont work for me so need a better solution.