Original Message:
Sent: 04-18-2024 15:42
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Evolve Form Element for multiple selection from a dropdown list
Hi Renette
Jayasri is correct - there is no direct way. But you can do this - use external data source and have it show up as a table with a checkbox, then use a rule to set the list if the checkbox is selected: The data source gets loaded at the start, so that the table of options is pre-populated.
Load the payment methods into a reference data list - either manually or via a Query.
Create mapping for it, so that you have something like this
Note I manually added the checkbox (true/false) to the repeating content
The rule would set the list of payment methods to external data, but you would point to the repeating content in the form, like this on the checkbox field:
by default this adds commas between the values, so I had to use a Translate function to remove them:
translate($form.getValue('/my:myFields/my:BPCompany/my:BPCompany_Input/my:List_of_Respected_Payment_Methods'), ',', '')
it swaps the comma with no spaces.
This works as you select and unselect the values in the table. :)
Am attaching my quick and dirty reference data list and solution for reference in which I tried this out. The two files are zipped up because we don't support the .wzip file type as attachments. I built it in 20.3.1 and includes a BP script for company data, but you can use the approach for just about anything.
Hope it gives you an idea for a workaround,
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-16-2024 03:13
From: Renette Nienaber
Subject: Evolve Form Element for multiple selection from a dropdown list
SAP allows multiple values to be selected from config list for BP payment method as indicated in the attached MDG image.
How do I achieve the same with Evolve form element / drop down?
Renette Nienaber
Data Management specialist