Just returning to your original question about a work around. If the fields in the CSV file are well known and will not change then you could use the following approach:
Given the following example data
Set the 'FieldNames' property to the required valid output field names, e.g.
and set the 'SkipHeaderRows' property 1 to ignore the first line in the file.
However, we recommend that you upgrade to a recent version of the product to ensure it is covered by the support policy.
Adrian Williams
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 03-15-2023 14:17
From: Jamie Johnny
Subject: CSV import error - Reserved character (:)
Thanks Adrian!
Jamie Johnny
Principal Data Advisor
Strategic Accounts
Direct 905.812.5934
Cell 647.338.9943
Restricted Confidential
Original Message:
Sent: 3/15/2023 12:34:00 PM
From: Adrian Williams
Subject: RE: CSV import error - Reserved character (:)
Recent versions of the product were updated to provide the 'SubstitudeInvalidCharacters' property on the CSV/Delimited Input node.
Adrian Williams
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 03-15-2023 10:52
From: Jamie Johnny
Subject: CSV import error - Reserved character (:)
Hi there, I am importing a .csv file and getting the following error. Is there a work around to this without opening the .csv file every time to do a find/replace. In the excel import node there is a 'SubstitudeInvalidCharacters' options which handles this perfect, but it's not in the .txt/.csv import node.
Error occurred while attempting to open output (0) : "output cause: Reserved character (:) on metadata field (12), name: Ultimate Parent Account: Account Name, type: class com.lavastorm.lang.UnicodeString. "
Thanks in advance,
Jamie Johnny
Dun & Bradstreet Canada Ltd
Mississauga ON