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  • 1.  Creating a BP in S/4 HANA

    Posted 12-19-2024 06:00


    I am finding it a great challenge to create a BP (for example a customer) using Winshuttle. When I am recording my script, the window for the BP address data is very small compared to when I am using it in the normal work environment and the scroll bars are rendered useless, hence I can't progress downwards from what I originally see. Do you have any idea how I can get past this? Here's what I mean by small window and restricted scroll bars:

    Thank you,

    Timothy Lee

    Timothy Lee
    Master Data Manager
    Thermo Fisher Scientific (UK)

  • 2.  RE: Creating a BP in S/4 HANA

    Posted 12-23-2024 21:13

    I go through this same issue, I don't believe there is a solution for this, at least not one that precisely/winshuttle can provide. I could be wrong, curious if anyone has figured out a solution. 

    Jayasri Varyani
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Creating a BP in S/4 HANA

    Posted 12-30-2024 14:49

    Hi Timothy,

    This is what I have used to help fix that issue:

    There is a setting within the Studio AppOptions.xml file where you can remove the SAP default screen size Studio has. Make sure to close all instances of Studio and Excel prior to making the change. Attaching screenshots of my before and after making this change.

    Shelby Murrell
    SAP Functional Lead

  • 4.  RE: Creating a BP in S/4 HANA

    Posted 01-02-2025 08:12

    Hi Shelby,


    This is brilliant – thank you so much, it works perfectly!


    That is a happy New Year for me, I wish the same to you also.


    Best regards,

    Timothy Lee


  • 5.  RE: Creating a BP in S/4 HANA

    Posted 01-06-2025 15:29

    thats fantastic, thanks Shelby!

    Jayasri Varyani
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 6.  RE: Creating a BP in S/4 HANA

    Posted 01-06-2025 15:35
    It is indeed, thanks again, Shelby A footnote based on my experience: This only seems to work if there are no Excel spreadsheets open at the time when Winshuttle is opened. I assumed at first that this was only required whilst changes to the .XML file were made but it seems to mean 'forever'. It's no problem, but I am sharing that knowledge if it's of interest.

    Sent from Outlook for iOS