Data360 Analyze

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  • 1.  Scheduled runs and continuing the run after failure

    Posted 03-25-2020 08:26

    Data3Sixty Version 3.6.0  When a scheduled job fails I do not find a way to be able to continue the run from the point of failure to the end. I would prefer not to start at the beginning and have to totally rerun the dataflow. I can view the run but it is view only and I can not continue the run once the issue is fixed.

  • 2.  RE: Scheduled runs and continuing the run after failure

    Posted 03-26-2020 07:11

    When a Schedule is are being viewed in the Analyze directory, the 'Runs' tab lists the available runs for the schedule:

    Clicking on the 'View Details' option in the context meu for a failed run will display the 'Run Details' dialog:

    Clicking on the link for the data flow will open the run in a read only session. There should be an 'Exit and continue Run' button present in the menu bar at the right hand side:

    Clicking the button will attempt to continue to run the scheduled run from the point at which it failed.


    Does the user accessing the failed run have the Scheduler role?