Data360 Analyze

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  • 1.  Drop floating point calculations and use fixed point arithmetic

    Posted 10-14-2021 06:13

    Dear madam, sir,

    Product enhancement request:

    I know this will be a tough one, but it has been a source of frustration for years now that (for example) 1.23 <> 1.23 because somehow, 1.2300000001 is compared to 1.2299999999.
    This is totally counterintuitive and already was a huge source of frustration in LAE.

    I have read all posts explaining tips 'n' tricks on workarounds, but please please please consider dropping the floating point arithmetic in favor of fixed point arithmetic.

    Rounding/ decimal precision can then simply be controlled by multiplying with 1.00 for 2 decimals, 1.00000 for 5 decimals, etc.etc.


    7.21 * 2.33 = 16.80 uses 2 decimals precision
    1.0000 * 7.21 * 2.33 = 16.7993 uses 4 decimals precision

    This would make so much more sense!

    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards, Bart.

  • 2.  RE: Drop floating point calculations and use fixed point arithmetic

    Posted 10-14-2021 09:29

    Dropping support for floating point calculations would negatively affect a lot of customers' existing data flows.

    However, there is an existing enhancement request for the support of Decimal data type.

    Ref. LAE-8009