I understand that following your previous request the following Govern enhancement requests were created/ tagged with you as a client:
GOV-15452 - Relationship/Responsibility/Ownership Changes can be a Trigger for Workflows
Allow a workflow to be triggered based upon:
1. Change in a specified responsibility
2. Change in ownership of the asset
3. Change in a specified relationship (i.e. relationship, added, removed or updated)
GOV-4378 - Notification when owner is added
Allow a workflow to be triggered when an owner is added or changed. This is to be able to send notifications to responsible or interested parties that an owner has been added or changed.
The impact of the above Govern enhancements would be to obviate the need to run one or more Analyze data flows to check for changes to assets in Govern, hence reducing the number of API calls from Analyze to Govern.
These enhancement items are currently in review by the Eng team but there is no scheduled timefame for their delivery.