Hi James,
If you google "mapinfo .dat file locked why?" you get some interesting answers. from anti-virus to aggressive back-up software....
An old client of mine used to use a MapX app that pulled in tables and that had a nasty habit of leaving the temporary versions (.dta) files open even when edits had been confirmed. Does any other 'system' interact with your MapInfo data? Planning, Highways, education systems?
I've definitely seen clients moving to hold their key datasets in a more robust and open system like SQLserver or, for those with deep pockets, Oracle.
I have a client where we use SQLserver with linked MapInfo tables. This has a few advantages :
1) easier to share data to other systems - web mapping, etc. 'One version of the truth' rather than copying data, etc.
2) linked tables to a spatial server kind of act as their own backup - i.e. if something corrupts or deletes the .map or .dat file they can just be re-created from the spatial data.
3) allows multi-user editing. bit complicated to manage this and we usually keep using AD permissions on the tables rather than go down the rabbit-hole of conflict
4) Huge generalisation here but IMO IT departments much prefer data held this way from a security, back-up, management point of view rather than flat files on the corporate drives.
There may well be other benefits too.
Nick Hall
Mapchester LTD
Original Message:
Sent: 02-14-2020 12:49
From: James King
Subject: TAB file storage (best practice?!)
James King
Essex County Council