We have a client that is running Mapinfo 17.0.2 in a Citrix enviroment.
The issue for a large organisation is, as Håkan wrote earlier, that the Tools will be loaded to the local user profile each time a Mapinfo session is started. This was not the case with Mapinfo 16.
Due to this we had to do a few changes manually.
Every user that logs in need this value:
Since the client is running Routefinder this also needs to be present:
"Title"=" Routefinder"
"Location"="C:\\Program Files\\MapInfo\\RouteFinder 5\\RouteFinder5.mbx"
"ImageUri"="C:\\Program Files\\MapInfo\\RouteFinder 5\\Icons\\WeightSign.bmp"
We copy a few folders/files manually from the original installation at each startup(set the copyprocess as "do not replace"):
We then register the tools that will be used, for instance for the distancecalc(toolsfolder has been moved to "Location"=):
"Location"="C:\Mapinfo Tools\1700\Tools\DistanceCalc\DistanceCalc.MBX"
"Description"="Det här verktyget beräknar avståndet mellan alla objekt i en eller två tabeller. Verktyget returnerar sedan det/de objekt som ligger närmast eller längst bort, och skickar resultaten till ett tabellfönster."
Dont know if this is the best solution but it works. Would gladly take further input.
I dont think moving the Tools to the local profile was a good thing for Citrix or Terminal server.
Kind regards,
Tobias Brännlund
Sokigo AB
Original Message:
Sent: 02-13-2019 18:17
From: Jason Hemingway
Subject: Mapinfo 17 - Citrix Zenapp 7.15 & Windows server 2016
Hi Team,
Anyone running MIPro v17 or 17.0.2 in a Citrix Zenapp Environment greater than v7.5 on Windows 2016 Servers. I am trying to get my IT to move MIPro from the underspecked system they currently have it on to the main environment, but the first question they ask is "Is it supported in this environment because when i read the documentation..........". So if anyone is running a similar environment would love to know about it, especially if you have any hints or tips I can pass on to our IT.
Jason Hemingway
Coordinator Asset Mgt & GIS
Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Innisfail Australia