Another guaranteed safe way to get the correct version is to create a new table and then append rows. It's a bit more steps but it guaranteed to be correct. 450 may not be right.
To do this:
1) create a new table from the old table (same structure), pick the right format and save the table.
2) Then append all the rows from the original to the new. This will make all the records go through our transaction code which decides on the version based on the data.
3) You then do have to save the table as the appends are edits.
The reason Save Table as does not do the versioning correctly is that it does not create transactions. The table is written and not even open.
Perhaps a feature request could allow this to happen automatically. However, if you wanted the saved copy to have the same name as the original in a different folder, other changes would have to occur.
Eric Blasenheim
Spectrum Spatial Technical Product Manager
Troy, NY
Original Message:
Sent: 06-25-2019 15:14
From: Andrei Veselov
Subject: Save As Native Tab stamps it as v15.2
Block size should not have any effect on the TAB file version. Even older versions of Pro can handle different block sizes well.
Andrei Veselov
Troy NY
Original Message:
Sent: 06-25-2019 02:31
From: Joshua Knight
Subject: Save As Native Tab stamps it as v15.2
Hi John
Separate to the NATIVEX/Extended tab, they also increased the blocksize. You can specify the old size (512) mapbasic to downgrade it. I'm not aware of a UI option for it.
Commit Table TABLE_TO_SAVE As "C:\myfolderpath...\" TYPE NATIVE Charset "WindowsLatin1" blocksize 512 Interactive
My guess is this is causing the 15.2 version.
Joshua Knight
Original Message:
Sent: 06-24-2019 12:26
From: John Ievers
Subject: Save As Native Tab stamps it as v15.2
I have set my preferences in MapInfo to Extended tab as default but needed to share this table with a colleague using v15.0.
So I Saved As a Native tab.
However, the tab is stamped as v15.2 and prompts to use that version.
How do I share my data with my 32-bit colleague?
John Ievers
CDR Group
Hope Valley, United Kingdom