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MapInfo Raster Training Exercises

  • 1.  MapInfo Raster Training Exercises

    Posted 03-22-2019 12:16
    Over the next few weeks I will be posting exercises and associated data so that users of MapInfo Pro Advance can run through and learn the core functionality.  The exercises will range from opening data through to editing and analyzing as follows:

    Exercise 1 – Opening Raster Data
    Exercise 2 – Clipping Raster Data
    Exercise 3 – Classify Raster Data 
    Exercise 4 – Raster Data Statistics 
    Exercise 5 – Assigning Values from a Raster to a Vector file 
    Exercise 6 – Raster Queries 
    Exercise 7 – Interpolation 
    Exercise 8 - Combining Raster Data 
    Exercise 9 – Interrogating a combined raster file 
    Exercise 10 - Creating a Viewshed
    Exercise 11 – Grid Classification 
    Exercise 12 – Polygonise Data 

    Once all exercises and data have been published, there will be some further exercises that combine a number of these functions together to solve some specific business problems.

    Look out for the first exercise next week!

    Chris Jenkins
    Pitney Bowes Software Ltd