Sorry about that.
I had a couple of issues with that myself, and the Raw Query disappeared. It was working, but I'm now getting the same issue.
I opened a ticket. I'll see if it behaves the same in another version and let you know.
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-03-2024 09:00
From: Alexander Hutchinson
Subject: Workflow participant cannot be found on child form in-form reassignment
In both my own solution and your example, upon deploy I get the error Syntax error: Missing operand before '=' operator.
I've made sure to copy the exact syntax from your example in the filter field, and I've ensured the group I'm using has an Email field.
I'm on Evolve 20.3, if that makes a difference.
Alexander Hutchinson
Raytheon Co
Original Message:
Sent: 05-02-2024 16:27
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Workflow participant cannot be found on child form in-form reassignment
Hi again Alexander
Here's a little sample solution and what I did attached and zipped, because we don't accept .wzip files at attachments in the community.
I used the data connection to the group, and I used a RAW Query in the swimlane to filter the group to me, like: [Email]=='[/my:myFields/my:dummyemail]' (note Email is a field in my group)
Note that I don't *have* to do this, because the team won't get the email until the task is ready, and you set the members of the group before you get to that task.

Then I have a field in the solution using a semicolon separated list of people – all who are members of the group, like:;

and I used the workflow participant resolver to reset who was assigned, and it worked.

Would something like that work for you?
There may be other ways, but I know this works.
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-02-2024 11:07
From: Alexander Hutchinson
Subject: Workflow participant cannot be found on child form in-form reassignment
I am already using a Workflow Participant:

If I change the Workflow Participant to a Data Connection of Users from Group, it initially assigns to everyone in that group.
I just want the three users from the first screenshot above (passed into the child form with field [userlist1]).
How do I limit the initial assignment to just those three?
Alexander Hutchinson
Raytheon Co
Original Message:
Sent: 05-01-2024 19:49
From: Sigrid Kok
Subject: Workflow participant cannot be found on child form in-form reassignment
Hi Alexander
Haven't done this with parent/child, but have you considered using a Workflow Participant control on the form. It would look something like this:

In my form I am creating a comma separated list of MRP controllers who have to review something as a team. It's using Full Name but could easily use email address. The behavior will be to replace the assignment with one from my selections on a form.
The workflow swimlane is team from role, and it's leveraging a group of possible MRP controllers from a data connection.
My data connection in case you want to use the same technique

Hope that gives you an idea,
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-01-2024 10:05
From: Alexander Hutchinson
Subject: Workflow participant cannot be found on child form in-form reassignment
I am having trouble with allowing users to reassign a simple child form to other users.
The child form is launched with three assignees (by email) captured in [userlist1]. This is the participants value in the sole swimlane for the sole loop. Other than Originator and Process Owner, that is. See image below.
When the form is opened by any of those three assignees, they can see themselves:

I want to be able to replace one (or more) of them using the lookups above. The lookups work properly and change the Name and Email fields to the right.
When any of the email values are changed, an "Email_Concatenated" field is updated capturing the new values.
When the "Reassign" button is clicked, it unrequires all fields and then Rejects, restarting the loop (see below).
Any attempts to update the [userlist1] value results in:
"A workflow participant for the Booking Specialist swimlane cannot be found."
Note, again – this is where all of the participants are located, not just the Booking Specialist(s) pictured above.
Some other notes – this child form does not send data back in any way to the parent form that launched it – it's standalone after it's created.
This is what the loop looks like.

And some information on the Booking Specialist swimlane:

How can I allow assignees to reassign this form?
Alexander Hutchinson
Raytheon Co