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  • 1.  Winshuttle Evolve - Automatically Set Rows Based on Field Value (Repeating Table)

    Posted 04-22-2024 11:08


    I have made a script for the MIRO transaction for Evolve that reads the line items from the currently selected purchase order in MIRO. I have a loop in the script for the line items and so it is in the Evolve form as a repeating table. The read script will also read the number of line items from the PO and populate a "number of items" field in the form with a number.

    I would like to automatically set the number of rows in the repeating table to match the number in the number of items field. For example, the read script reads a PO in MIRO with 5 lines and populates the number of items field to 5. I am wondering how to use this value to set the rows in the repeating table. I know there is an "add new row" rule but if someone decided to click a different PO with a different number of line items, I don't see a way to delete those rows/add more rows to the existing row count. Please let me know if there is a way to do this.

    Thanks for the help,

    Ryan Hipson

    Ryan Hipson
    Clearwater Seafoods

  • 2.  RE: Winshuttle Evolve - Automatically Set Rows Based on Field Value (Repeating Table)

    Posted 04-22-2024 11:38
    Edited by Sigrid Kok 04-22-2024 11:51

    Hi Ryan

    If you have two structures in your form, one for the PO and one for MIRO, please try the COPY TABLE rule. 

    It will let you copy from the PO output (source) into the MIRO input (target) table with mapping and even conditions, as needed.  It was designed for something just like this.  You just have to decide when to trigger it.  Some documentation is located here: 

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Winshuttle Evolve - Automatically Set Rows Based on Field Value (Repeating Table)

    Posted 04-29-2024 13:41

    Hi Sigrid,

    I am currently pulling up the PO by using a query script to search the PO in the EKPO table. This is working fine and querying all of the rows of the PO. I then want to be able to copy this data to my write script fields, however when I use the copy table rule to copy the query table data to the write script line items (repeating content loop), it only copies over the first row. I tried with a different table, and it copied all rows leading me to believe the problem is the query table not working with the copy table rule.

    Any advice of this? Thank you for your help.

    Ryan Hipson
    Clearwater Seafoods

  • 4.  RE: Winshuttle Evolve - Automatically Set Rows Based on Field Value (Repeating Table)

    Posted 05-01-2024 17:46

    Hi Ryan

    That's not good.  This kind of issue is hard to diagnose without seeing your solution.  So I'd suggest opening a support ticket so that someone can look at it with you.

    Best Regards,


    Sigrid Kok
    Precisely Software Inc.