MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  WFS Projection is off ?

    Posted 05-03-2023 11:45
    Edited by Fanny Chan 05-03-2023 11:45

    I am trying to pull water body features from NOAA to display on my map.

    The link to the WFS Server I am using is:

    I am not sure if I am using the wrong projection, but the longitude values seems to be off. How do I correct something like this? 

    Here's a screenshot of my issue

    and the projection I am using 

    I really appreciate any insight offered

  • 2.  RE: WFS Projection is off ?

    Posted 05-03-2023 12:13
    Edited by Fanny Chan 05-03-2023 14:10

    I think it's important to note that WFS version I am using on MapInfo is 1.0. I'm not sure if that could be the culprit.

    I am also checking it on QGIS and the version I am using is 2.0 there and everything aligns well. The coordinate reference system I'm using there is USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic (ESRI:102203). Is there an equivalent on MapInfo I can use?

  • 3.  RE: WFS Projection is off ?
    Best Answer

    Posted 05-04-2023 02:36
    Edited by Peter Møller 05-08-2023 05:56

    Hi Fanny

    MapInfo Pro doesn't have this projection build-in out of the box.

    I had a look at the definition and was able to construct a projection string for it.
    Using a text editor, you must add this to the projection file, MapInfow.prj.

    The projection file can be found in the installation folder.
    I think you can save it to your appdata folder (%appdata%\MapInfo\MapInfo\Professional\2100) if you can edit the file in the installation folder

    This is the projection string you need to add:
    "Albers Equal-Area Conic (ESRI:102003)", 9, 74, 7, -96, 37.5, 29.5, 45.5, 0, 0

    I inserted it next to similar "North American Coordinate Systems" projections. It's just below Albers Equal-Area Conic (CONUS NAD83)\p5070:
    "--- North American Coordinate Systems ---"
    "AirPhotoUSA Conterminous U.S.", 9, 74, 7, -96, 23.5, 29.5, 45.5, 2500000.0, 0
    "Albers Equal-Area Conic (North America)", 9, 62, 7, -96, 23, 20, 60, 0, 0
    "Albers Equal-Area Conic (CONUS NAD27)\p5069", 9, 62, 7, -96, 23, 29.5, 45.5, 0, 0
    "Albers Equal-Area Conic (CONUS NAD83)\p5070", 9, 74, 7, -96, 23, 29.5, 45.5, 0, 0
    "Albers Equal-Area Conic (ESRI:102003)", 9, 74, 7, -96, 37.5, 29.5, 45.5, 0, 0

    Here are the resulting water bodies loaded into MapInfo Pro. I only loaded the first 2,000 records

    You can read more about editing the projection file in this #MapInfoMonday post.
    I hope this works for you

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

    I think it's important to note that WFS version I am using on MapInfo is 1.0. I'm not sure if that could be the culprit.

    I am also checking it on QGIS and the version I am using is 2.0 there and everything aligns well. The coordinate reference system I'm using there is USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic (ESRI:102203). Is there an equivalent on MapInfo I can use?
    Original Message:
    Sent: 05-03-2023 11:44
    From: Fanny Chan
    Subject: WFS Projection is off ?

    I am trying to pull water body features from NOAA to display on my map.

    The link to the WFS Server I am using is:

    I am not sure if I am using the wrong projection, but the longitude values seems to be off. How do I correct something like this?

    Here's a screenshot of my issue

    and the projection I am using

    I really appreciate any insight offered

  • 4.  RE: WFS Projection is off ?

    Posted 05-04-2023 10:55
    Edited by Fanny Chan 05-04-2023 11:40

    Beautiful. Thank you, Peter ! 

  • 5.  RE: WFS Projection is off ?

    Posted 05-04-2023 14:26
    Edited by Fanny Chan 05-04-2023 14:26

    Giving an update that the suggestion did work ! I hope MapInfo adds more EPSG codes out of the box in the future. Thank you again

  • 6.  RE: WFS Projection is off ?

    Posted 05-08-2023 05:59

    This projection has been added to our projection file and should be there out of the box with the upcoming MapInfo Pro v2023 later this year.

    Thanks for the feedback that it works, @Fanny Chan  

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data