Yes, thanks James. For the record, I ended up doing something similar but with a thematic:
Dim Reg, sStatement as String
Dim nWIn, cnt, nFirstMID, nSecondMID, nThirdMID, nFourthMID As Integer
For nWin = 1 To NumWindows()
If WindowInfo(WindowID(nWin), WIN_INFO_TYPE) = WIN_MAPPER Then
If cnt=1 then NFirstMID = WindowID(nWin) End If
If cnt=2 then nSecondMID = WindowID(nWin) End If
If cnt=3 then nThirdMID = WindowID(nWin) End If
If cnt=4 then nFourthMID = WindowID(nWin) End If
End If
Print "Recentering all layout frames to " + Reg + "..."
Print "0 of 4..."
Set Map Window NFirstMID Zoom Entire Selection
sStatement = "Set Shade Window " + NfirstMID
+ " " + """NF4_StationGrounds(1)""" + " with StationGround = " + Chr$(34) + Reg + Chr$(34)
+ " values 0 Brush (2,7171184,16777215) Pen (2,2,16777215) ,1 Brush (1,16771280,16777215) Pen (2,2,16777215) default Brush (1,0,16777215) Pen (1,2,0)"
Run Command sStatement
This was written for a specific project in mind where the workspace always included 4 layouts. I'd like to create a more generic one which could be used with any workspace of any number of layouts. I believe I could use an array variable but I'm not sure how to go about using it...
Ryan Cook
Original Message:
Sent: 10-20-2024 18:18
From: James Nolet
Subject: Using a variable with layer filter
Hi Ryan,
You probably have to use Set Command:
Dim sCmd As String
sCmd = "Set Map Window 3297 Layer REGIONS Filter where Name = """ + Reg + """"
Run Command sCmd
James Nolet
GIS Manager
Caf Consulting
Mentone office, VIC, Australia
Original Message:
Sent: 10-18-2024 05:32
From: Ryan Cook
Subject: Using a variable with layer filter
I am trying to write a MapBasic program that utilizes the layer filter functionality based on user input. For simplification, my code is roughly trying to work as follows:
Dim Reg as String
Reg = Input("Region Picker", "_Zoom to:", "Region name", "String")
Select obj from REGIONS where Name = Reg
Set Map Window 3297 Zoom Entire Selection
Set Map Window 3297 Layer REGIONS Filter where Name = Reg
Set Map Window 3297 Layer REGIONS Filter on
The trouble is, the filter expression doesn't like me using the variable Reg (though it is perfectly happy if I use for example, "Essex" instead. I'm sure there is a way I can work around this but I can't for the life of me remember how.
Any help would be welcome!
Ryan Cook