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Tip of the Week - Recording Time in Transaction to Calculate ROI

  • 1.  Tip of the Week - Recording Time in Transaction to Calculate ROI

    Posted 05-01-2024 14:10

    Hi Automate Community!

    The Sales Engineering team is excited to present a Tip of the Week where we will share a quick tip on anything Automate related. 

    To kick us off, I would like to share a quick tip on the recording time in Transaction scripts which is used to calculate ROI.

    When you use Studio Transaction to record a script, Studio captures how long it took to go through the recording in SAP. Studio then uses that value to determine the ROI in the run logs.

    You can change the recording time if needed to get a more accurate ROI value. To do this, open the Transaction script in Studio, go to the Map tab, and look at the Properties panel on the right. In the General section, you'll see Recording Time (in seconds). Simply click in that field to change the value. 

    To view your own ROI, open Studio, click File, select Log Viewer, check Transaction (in the filters), and click Export to Excel.

    Administrators can also view ROI for all users from the usage logs in Connect, Studio Administrator, Studio Manager, Foundation, and Evolve.


    Maria Ebner
    Precisely Software Inc.