Hi Automate Community!
I have a tip on checking the product lifecycle for your Automate products. You will find all the information on this page: https://help.precisely.com/access/sources/AEV_Automate_Evolve/topic?topicID=AEV-0006&ft:locale=en-US
I recommend bookmarking this page for future reference so you can check the dates regularly. If you sign in to the page, you will see a bookmark icon as well.
The top part of the page goes over the three phases of the product lifecycle and shows our definitions for full support, limited support, extended limited support (applies to Foundation only), and end of life.
After the definitions you'll find the product lifecycles for desktop only (Studio) and server based (Foundation, Evolve, and Studio Manager):

For Studio with Connect, your organization should be on version 20.3, but that's currently in limited support. Please note, to upgrade above version 20.3 your organization will need to move to Studio Administrator, Studio Manager, or Evolve.
For Studio with Studio Administrator, your organization should be on version 24.0 or above.

For Foundation, your organization should be on version 11 or above, but versions 11.x and 12.0 are currently in extended limited support and version 12.1 is currently in limited support. To get full support your organization should start the process to migrate to Evolve as soon as possible. Please contact your Account Executive for more information about this migration process.

For Evolve or Studio Manager, your organization should be on version 20.2 or above, but that version is currently in limited support. To get full support your organization should be on version 20.3.x or above.
To get download links for newer versions, please visit our data experience page: https://data.precisely.com/home
If you don't see the download links you need, please email support@precisely.com
Thank you,
Maria Ebner
Precisely Software Inc.