Hi Sean,
Since you did not describe your method I'm assuming that you have deleted the .html, .json, .ts files from the ..\customerconfigurations\analyst\theme\infotemplates directory.
If so have you also deleted the .ts entry from the ..\customerconfigurations\analyst\CalloutInfoTemplateDefinitions.xml file?
I hope this helps,
David Murphy
Swan Hill VIC
Original Message:
Sent: 06-09-2022 04:09
From: Sean Stephen
Subject: Template Designer - template removal/deletion
I have found a way to remove unwanted (previous test) templates from the dropdown list of templates when editing the project settings of a map project. However, this does not detach it from the list of templates available to a table within Template Designer, it only makes the link to the removed template unresponsive.
Is there any way to completely remove unwanted templates so that I can do some housekeeping?
Sean Stephen
Belfast City Council