Syncsort MFX/ZPSaver Product Announcements

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Syncsort MFX - Support Announcement

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  • 1.  Syncsort MFX - Support Announcement

    Posted 05-22-2024 16:53
    Edited by Product Communications 05-23-2024 09:03
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    Syncsort MFX v3.1 – Support Announcement


    Improved Processing for MFX Enhanced HOLDDATA

    Customers who require the use of enhanced HOLDDATA can now download the latest version of this file from our anonymous FTP Server. Please note that the server will only host the most recent HOLDDATA file and it may be updated more than once each calendar day. Hosting the file on the FTP Server benefits users who wish to include the MFX HOLDDATA in an automated retrieval process. Be aware that the new HOLDDATA file includes several changes from the previous versions, which required adjustments to the format.

    Precisely HOLDDATA process

    When a PTF is found to be in error, Precisely will update the HOLDDATA for customers to identify that the PTF has an issue, along with an internal tracking number. Subsequently, when that error is fixed, the HOLDDATA entry for that PTF will be updated to contain the corrective fix information.  

    HOLDDATA files prior to this announcement needed some adjustment to the format, and we've made the following changes, starting with the HOLDDATA file dated 05-21-2024. The file name for this and future HOLDDATA files will be holddata.txt. 

    1. The ++HOLD(BSSIZ31) will be replaced with ++HOLD(TZnnnnn), where TZnnnnn is the name of the PTF with an issue. 
    2. The Reason(TZnnnnn) will be replaced with Reason(MFnnnnn) where MFnnnnn is an internal record-keeping number for the issue that was found.
    3. The addition of HIPER flags
    4. The ERROR DATE (in julian format yynnn) is now the date that the error was reported, and CHGDT (in format yymmdd) is the date the corrective PTF is released or the date the file is generated.

    HOLDDATA HIPER Information

    Enhanced HOLDDATA can also include HIPER (High Impact) fixes. This allows customers to use the SMP/E REPORT ERRSYSMODS to identify not only missing PE fixes but missing HIPER fixes. Any reason flags for HIPER APARs are included in the comment field. This can aid in prioritizing the review of any uninstalled HIPER fixes. The reason flags are listed below.


    In addition to the new HIPER flags, we also now provide necessary security or integrity issues, with CVSS scoring. In the comment is the PTF number and when applicable, the CVSS base and temporal score might follow the SYMP keyword. 

    Retrieving HOLDDATA

    Prior to this announcement, the HOLDDATA file was only contained in our PDX software download folder. We now store this file in an anonymous FTP server at and can be retrieved directly from your z/OS environment. The following is a sample job to retrieve the text file:

    //         JOB


    //* >>>> use 'caps off' when editing <<<<<

    //* >>>> FTP Commands use mixed case <<<<<

    //* This sample JCL will retrieve Precisely enhanced HOLDDATA

    //* from the secure FTP server.  Please modify as required

    //* changes to fit your needs.





    //INPUT    DD  *


    locsite lrecl=80 recfm=fb blksize=6400 cyl pri=1 sec=1

    get holddata.txt 'SYNCSORT.HOLDDATA' (repl



    NOTE: Our intention is to remove the HOLDDATA file from the PDX software download folder at some future date.

    Contact Information

    If you would like technical assistance, please contact the Precisely Global Support team at