Hi Sean, I called Precisely this morning because it's getting very urgent for us.
The lady on the telephone directed me to the customer site to create a ticket on their support: it's very well hidden, so here you go:
go to customer.precisely.com, menu 'support': 'creat a new case',
next window:
select an area our issue would relate to: 'product delivery'
select a statement that best describes your issue: 'I'm having trouble accessing my release or patch installation package'
next window:
support site: site from dropdown referring to your company
fill in details of your request ...
finally: hope to get a download link soon ...
good luck !
jan ketele
Xeikon Manufacturing NV
Original Message:
Sent: 05-04-2023 06:37
From: Sean Taylor
Subject: Studio update needed
I have the same problem too. Nothing is available for me to select from PDX portal.
Many Thanks,
Sean Taylor
Sean Taylor
McLaren Automotive Limited
Original Message:
Sent: 05-04-2023 04:38
From: jan ketele
Subject: Studio update needed
Dear Winshuttle,
We're getting a forced update in the company form Windows 10 to Windows 11.
Looking at compatibilitychart of WS Studio 20.2.9, I noticed we need to update Studio to 20.3.1
I've been searching all over your site, but can't find any update files, or a place to request this update.
Can anybody explain what I can do to get this Studio update ?
many thanks, Jan
jan ketele
Xeikon Manufacturing NV