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  • 1.  Studio Manager Reports

    Posted 05-04-2023 18:47

    Attempting to develop a report in Studio Manager (20.2.8) that produces a list of all Transaction scripts in the library.  The SQL View "RPT_SolutionView" contains most of the elements I need to create the report.  However, I'm missing a value for the transaction scripts TCode and Data File name.

    Any suggestions for where I can find the values for these two elements in the SQL Views and how I can make them available to the RPT_SolutionView?

    David Leon
    Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
    Raritan NJ

  • 2.  RE: Studio Manager Reports

    Posted 05-05-2023 09:14

    Hi David,

    You can make use of RPT_TransactionRoiView, this view has saptcode and datafilename, you can apply joins on both the views as:

    select RS.Title, RT.SAPTCode,RT.DataFile,RS.CreatedBy from RPT_SolutionView RS
    inner join  RPT_TransactionRoiView RT on  RS.SolutionId = RT.SolutionId 

    NOTE : above query can be modified to return columns from both the views according to your preference.

    Hope this helps.


    Hammad Naeem
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Studio Manager Reports

    Posted 05-05-2023 14:29

    Thank you for your suggestion, Hammad.  The RT.SolutionId field in the RPT_TransactionRoiView view is empty, or actually all zeros.  I did find the ID field in that view to be populated with data.  However, when I attempted to use that field (ID) in a join with RS.SolutionId I got no matches between the two views.

    There is several other ID-type fields in RPT_TransactionRoiView and I'm going to explore each of them to see if I can find a match with RPT_SolutionView.

    Are you aware of any documentation that provides detail descriptions for the contents of the SQL Views?

    Any other help you can offer is greatly appreciated.

    David Leon
    Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
    Raritan NJ

  • 4.  RE: Studio Manager Reports

    Posted 05-05-2023 15:08

    Hi David,
    Please refer link :
    for more details on SQL views in evolve.
    for details on evolve reports refer :

    Hope this helps.


    Hammad Naeem
    Precisely Software Inc.

  • 5.  RE: Studio Manager Reports

    Posted 05-09-2023 05:04

    Hi David,
    You can try below mentioned query.
    Select RS.Title AS 'Solution Name',RS.Description AS 'Description',RS.ScriptType AS 'Script Type',
    RS.SolutionId as 'Solution Id',RT.SAPTCode,RT.DataFile
     FROM [RPT_SolutionView] RS
     inner join  RPT_TransactionRoiView RT on  RS.SolutionId = RT.SolutionId 
      where  RS.ScriptType =0
    for above query RS.Title refer to  solution Name and RS.SolutionId and RT.SolutionId refers to solution Id for excel/transaction solution deployed on the App.
    RS.ScriptType = 0 indicates transaction type solutions.

    NOTE : if entry is missing from RPT_TransactionROIView then the script might not be used.
    Once a transaction/query script runs it does have corresponding entries in the log tables.

    Hope this helps.


    Hammad Naeem
    Precisely Software Inc.