Thanks Duri - what's funny is that Dave added this based on a support request I made at that time. 3 years now and nothing has been done. Just asking for a functionality that existed to be put back -it's not even new functionality just something that was depreciated!
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2023 21:33
From: Duri Bradshaw
Subject: Set center point of opening page without code
Hi George,
I agree 100%, we need an optional setting in Project Settings>Extents that overrides or locks the any InitialCentre, the way it is implemented now work ok for one of maps but isn't ideal for corporate maps that are regularly maintained.
There is an idea on the ideas portal to get this fixed, I suggest you give it a vote and add a comment of support
Duri Bradshaw
Spatial IT Consultant
Insight GIS
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2023 21:25
From: George Corea
Subject: Set center point of opening page without code
Thanks Duri,
The Admin save of the extent is what I would expect to happen but this doesn't work. It maybe due to the initial point being assigned in the file (possibly since most of the workspaces were from earlier versions).
It is also not a good way to implement this as it means that every time the admin makes an unrelated change, they have to make sure they zoom to the same place as the default before saving the workspace.
Like in earlier versions there should be an option in the extents settings page to set the initial center and the initial zoom level. See this old screen grab from my setup notes. I don't know why they removed this.

George Corea
Data Guru
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2023 20:54
From: Duri Bradshaw
Subject: Set center point of opening page without code
Hi George,
The InitialCentre will be updated each time the admin saves the project from the main SSA map, however if you have "retain map view" enabled in global settings under Spatial Manager then this setting is not used and a cookie i used to set the map centre, this cookie is updated each time a user changes map project.
This can be a bit confusing as the map appears to load at a random location, we have submitted an enhancement request to change this so the cookie is only used when changing map projects and the InitialCentre is always used on initial load (request id SSS-20193).
Duri Bradshaw
Spatial IT Consultant
Insight GIS
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2023 19:53
From: George Corea
Subject: Set center point of opening page without code
How do we set the center point when an SSA page opens?
This used to be an option in the settings in ver 2019 (or maybe earlier) but how is this done in version 2022 onwards?
I know we can do it by editing the Named Project file
<mxp:InitialCentre><gml:Point gml:id="id-1" srsName="EPSG:28355"><gml:coordinates>333170.05524745677,8176049.173316875</gml:coordinates></gml:Point></mxp:InitialCentre>
But you used to be able to do it in the browser - just have the option to specify the center point in the Extent tab of settings.
George Corea
Data Guru