Hi Russell,
Applinking can be set up in v2020.1. We have had it going in earlier versions. I don't know if an upgrade to the tool has occurred since 2020.1, but if so then I'm sure that can be sorted out with Precisely. There are also alternatives to the Applinking tool (based on the same logic) that are worth pursuing with Precisely.
To use Applinking logic in SSA, a number of components need to come together. Linking usually involves the following:
Linking from SSA1. Enable and configure SSA Applinking functionality, including Applinking.xml configuration;
2. Have a middleware product (such as our GISLink solution) available that:
i) knows how to receive link values from SSA; and
ii) knows how to send the link values on to the destination application (e.g. property & rates system).
3. In addition, dynamic linking might need to be configured or enabled within the destination application.
Linking to SSAThis is similar to the above. A middleware product will need to know how to provide the link values to SSA. SSA can then respond by selecting the objects associated with the link values (e.g. property polygons) and zooming in on them. A more basic approach might be to provide just the URL and include the link values in the URL, but this opens a new SSA instance rather than using the currently open instance.
I can be contacted at
gislink@dmmpl.com.au for more specific advice.
James Nolet
Dooley Mitchell & Morrison Pty Ltd
Mentone, VIC, Australia
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2022 02:27
From: Russell Ferguson
Subject: Providing Spectrum map layers to external applications via API
This is exactly what I am looking to do at present however I am on v 2020.1. I'm not sure if it works with this version. I also can't find the installer as it is not on the download page where it used to be in the older version I was using.
I want to integrate with a property and rating system with a link in link out system, the system does provide for a url and a field to link to. I'm not currently seeing the option in 2020.1 to set this up?. Any one have any ideas.
As always any help appreciated,. Thank you.
Russell Ferguson
Ararat Rural City Council
Ararat VIC
Original Message:
Sent: 07-27-2022 02:09
From: James Nolet
Subject: Providing Spectrum map layers to external applications via API
I might have had the wrong idea, but was thinking more on the lines of interacting with the SSA front end directly - that is, dynamic linking - via the Precisely Applinking tool or similar (which we at DMM managed to make use of in our GISLink product, hence why I was keen to espouse my knowledge of this option!). The following is a link to some information on the Precisely tool, for anyone wanting to go down that path:
James Nolet
Dooley Mitchell & Morrison Pty Ltd
Mentone, VIC, Australia
Original Message:
Sent: 07-26-2022 18:21
From: Duri Bradshaw
Subject: Providing Spectrum map layers to external applications via API
Sorry I was too late, but for anyone else who is interested
Have a look at the Spatial Services provided by Spectrum
REST Feature services are probably what you are after
you can run SQL queries to extract data using searchbysql