Hi All
I'm usually on the other end of postings in the Community, attempting to answer them. Now I'm asking a favor of all of you.
Have you moved to S/4Hana? If so, you'll know that customer and vendor go away, and you have to work with BP. If not, you will know soon enough.
Parts of it can be automated with Transaction, although there are places where it can be a bit tricky/tough to do, and because it's such a big Transaction with multiple save points, it can be slow.
There are very few OOTB BAPIs provided by SAP to leverage in Studio Direct, even though CRM had tons of them.
So I have submitted the idea to request a custom BAPI/FM be created to handle the common BP data and roles.
If you're so inclined, please vote for it to get visibility & priority I believe it deserves: https://ideas.precisely.com/ideas/AUTM-I-76
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.