Hi Ann,
I would agree with Jan about the BAPI. It takes the order of views completely out of the picture. It takes a bit of work to use the tables and "x" tables, but once you have it working, it just works, plus it's super efficient.
I also agree that using page down is the best way to get to a view, if you're not going to use the BAPI.

You also hit enter and then choose the 2nd Warehouse tab

What is the ENTER for on line 29?
There might be differences the first time you're adding a warehouse, and then adding another warehouse. You can sometimes use IF on SAP field is blank (or is not blank) to see if a value is filled in, and then you'll know if it's been filled in from a prior extension. That helps with other views, too.
Also, please ensure that you are blanking out any values in the org data pop-ups related to plant or warehouse number, in case SAP is remembering the value from the prior entry. For example, does storage type come into play? If so, please either set them or fix the value to be blank.

Please run a few rows in Debug mode to see what the differences are, and you'll know how to tweak it.
Hope that helps a little,
Sigrid Kok
Precisely Software Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-12-2024 07:26
From: Ann Davis
Subject: MM01 Warehouse Extension Script Error
This is for an extension of new views where Basic 1 (and most other views) is already present, only trying to extend warehouse 1 and 2 using data from a reference material. Yes I am aware of the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA.
Ann Davis
Technical Data Analyst
Original Message:
Sent: 01-12-2024 06:35
From: jan ketele
Subject: MM01 Warehouse Extension Script Error
Hi Ann,
MM-transaction scripts are tricky: one always has to start by deselecting all views, then you start with only Basic Data and from within that Basic Data view one can select another view via the GoTo-menu (top row). Available MM-views are dependant of material type, plant selection etc etc, so if you select another view in the create window, it may very well be that view or one of the views above in the list is nonexistent causing parameters not found.
Why start the recording with deselecting all: because that makes the runner independant of the last used MM-views.
you can find a lot of messages in the library on these MM-scripts.
to avoid all these issues, there is a far better and faster way to change/enter material master data: using 'Direct' with BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA (you may also want to check this library for examples on this script)
hth, best regards, jan
jan ketele
release expert
Xeikon Manufacturing NV
Original Message:
Sent: 01-11-2024 14:50
From: Ann Davis
Subject: MM01 Warehouse Extension Script Error
I have seemingly gotten it to work by defaulting the warehouse one tab, allowing me to avoid scrolling and record that way. I tested runnning after I defaulted my settings back to all screens and it somes to work.
I would still appreciate any input regarding this issue and if my solution will be a stable long term solution.
Ann Davis
Technical Data Analyst
Original Message:
Sent: 01-11-2024 09:54
From: Ann Davis
Subject: MM01 Warehouse Extension Script Error
I have recorded a script several times to extend warehouse views to already created materials and I am getting the following error no matter how I have recorded.
- Select at least one view
- Select at least one view
- Select at least one view
- Cursor field (RMMG1_REF-LGNUM Warehouse number) . SAPLMGMM 0080 does not exist in dynpro
- Cursor field (RMMG1-LGNUM Warehouse Number) is not enabled, or is missing from screen (SAPLMGMM 0080 Organizational levels)
- Cursor field (RMMG1_REF-LGNUM Warehouse number) is not enabled, or is missing from screen (SAPLMGMM 0080 Organizational levels)
In debug mode it is selecting a screen other than Warehouse 1 which I have chosen and selects different screens at different times.

The steps I use for recording are below...

I then select save and exit the recording.
I have attached my script.
Ann Davis
Technical Data Analyst