MapInfo Pro

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  • 1.  MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-10-2023 07:49


    i just installed MiPro 2023 German on a new Windows 11 home machine (DE) with a trial license.

    Just the simple action of opening a new map- or browser-window makes the program behave as if i just did nothing, - ignoring what i just wanted.

    After several tries and opening up this forum page, - more or less 2 minutes later -, the ordered windows start to open in mipro.

    Did a repair installation, that didn't change a thing. Activated 3d accelaration under options, that didn't this behaviour either.

    And this doesn't change after many program restarts or a longer program usage.

    did anybody else had this experience?

    That way the program is quite unusable.

    Thanks for any idea and best regards

    Stefan H.

  • 2.  RE: MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-10-2023 10:13

    Hi Stefan

    That sounds strange. I'm still on Windows 10 so I have no real-world experience with Windows 11, and I'm not even sure if that's the cause.

    Does it make any difference if you run MapInfo Pro without any tools loaded?



    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 3.  RE: MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-10-2023 10:17

    PS: To run MapInfo Pro without any tools, you can add this parameter to the command in your shortcut: -NoAutoLoad:

    C:\MapInfo\Pro\v23.0\MapInfoPro.exe -subscription=off -NoAutoLoad

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 4.  RE: MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-13-2023 05:03
      |   view attached

    Hello Peter,

    thanks for your fast response, - but these options do not change a thing.

    After doing the Repair-Installation i also did a complete uninstall and installed it again as English-Version, - but even that doesn't change this behaviour.

    What makes this so unreal is, that after firing a comand to open a new document window, you can still use the Application gui, everything looks responding, you can activate other already open windows and click other ribbon buttons. But the new window will open allways with a really huge delay.

    I recorded a session where i open two TAB-Files and an additional browser window, but all windows appear only after more than a minute clicking idle around.

    Very strange.

    Any more ideas would be welcome.

    Best regards

    Stefan H.

  • 5.  RE: MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-13-2023 06:22

    Wauw, that's really weird...

    1 minute and 20 seconds to open a table in a map or browser window...

    But being able to use any feature in MapInfo Pro while you wait.

    Does it help to set MapInfo Pro to run in Compatibility Mode or does the Compatibility Troubleshooter return anything?

    As I said, I'm still on Windows 10 so I can only select Windows 8 or older. Not sure if you have Windows 10 in the list?

    Have you already raised a case with our support team? If not, I think you should

    Peter Horsbøll Møller
    Principal Presales Consultant | Distinguished Engineer
    Precisely | Trust in Data

  • 6.  RE: MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-13-2023 06:40

    Hello Peter,

    thanks for your suggestions but unfortunately even these settings do not change the behaviour.

    I just opened a support case with precisely, maybe there is something in their database.

    Best regards

    Stefan H.

  • 7.  RE: MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-14-2023 12:37

    Hi Stefan,

    I have been using windows 11 all year and have not seen this.

    Is it happening all the time?

    Have you rebooted your machine and done windows update?

    Are other version of Pro working properly?

    Is there any security scanning going on when you see this behavior? See what is happening in task manager.


    Bob Fortin
    Software Architect and Distinguished Engineer
    MapInfo Pro Development Team

  • 8.  RE: MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-14-2023 15:04

    Hi Bob,

    it's a laptop without any MiPro Installation before and in parallel.

    The machine was rebootet several times.and it happens allways.

    The windows 11 installation is up to date, and i'm pretty shure that there wasn't an windows update going on every time i used the machine.

    After issuing the command to open a new document window, there isn't much going on in taskmanager, - MiPro doesn't use CPU time at all, only shortely before the window really apears and a bit of Defender action after issuing the command, - but no process using much cpu or using one core to max.

    As additional information: It's only the opening of NEW document windows that take so long.

    If there is an already opened map window, the integration of a new layer is instantly as it should.

    First address i would look after would be the .NET framework/runtime. There is the newest visual studio installed on that machine and a brand new postgres that defines for example some global gdal-variables - but that shouldn't have any impact on new window generation.

    ...but the last installation(s) on that machine was MiPro, - now several times.

    If there's anything else i can help with, please let me know.

    best regards

    Stefan H.

  • 9.  RE: MiPro 2023 opening any document window takes forever

    Posted 10-16-2023 15:24

    Hi Bob,

    German tech support had the right idea and we found the cause of this behaviour.

    When i did the tests i was travelling and later in my office our network printer was switched off.

    Jörg from tech support asked what printer was set as the default printer in MiPro and i wasn't even able to open the printer dialog. After a long while after clicking on printer under options only an error message about invalid printer driver files appeared and nothing more afterwards.

    After switching on our network printer, - that was set as the windows default printer. I was able to open the printer dialog under options. While the printer was switched on and reachable all document windows in MiPro appeared as fast as usual. And after switching the default printer in MiPro to the MapInfo PDF Printer driver, it stayed that way even after switching off the printer.

    I tested the same with my MiPro 2021 installation on a different computer but here MiPro works fine even with the same printer set as MiPro default printer and a switched off printer.

    I personally would call this a bug, cause you cannot even change the MiPro default printer when that printer is currently unreachable.

    best regards

    Stefan H.